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They rode for the last 5 minutes or so in complete silence, and not in the good way. Trixie couldn't form a single sentence no matter how hard she tried, opening her mouth to talk multiple times only for no sound to come out. Was that really such an invasive question? Why was she so defensive about it? Instead of the answer she wanted, she only had a dozen more questions.

The car pulled up into the campus parking lot, and after a couple rounds of circling, they found a spot. Trixie had her arm glued to the door handle throughout, desperate to escape the awkward situation she'd put herself in as soon as possible. The car came to a hault, and Trixie begun to snap the handle back.

"Wait, Trixie" Katya said suddenly, catching the pink haired girl as she attempted to escape.

"...yeah?" Trixie answered, her tone somewhere between anxious and annoyed.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you, it was a complete overreaction and you weren't to know it was a big deal" She rambled anxiously, visibly digging her nails into her hand, "I will tell you at some point, but I'm just really not comfortable doing it now. Even thinking about it-"

"Hey hey, it's okay" Trixie cut off, placing a hand on top of Katya's clasped ones, "Of course you don't have to say, you don't owe me any kind of explanation"

Katya glanced up, her pretty blue eyes sending shivers down Trixie's spine as they met with her own. She was visibly shaking with anxiety.

"I know, but-"

"All I ask is that you don't dig in your nails like that" Trixie continued, gently cupping the Russian's hands with her own, "your hands are way too pretty for that"

Katya chuckled weakly, her shaking appearing to subside somewhat. She let out a shaky breath as she slowly unclasped her tight grip.

"I'm so sorry"

"I promise it's okay," Trixie said gently, brushing her thumbs on Katya's knuckles, "we can stay here a minute if you need a breather"

"No no, I'm okay" She replied after a moment, her breathing reaching a pretty steady state, "Thanks for that"

"Don't mention it"

"Maybe you're not such a cunt after all"

"I- literally when have I ever been-"

"Shhhhhhhh" Katya chided per usual, placing her finger over her lips like a first grade teacher teaching the kids to shut up.

"You're literally impossible"

"Well you haven't kicked me out so far" Katya chuckled, "I guess I do make a pretty good roommate after all"

"Yeah yeah, don't let it go to your head that I haven't filed a complaint yet. There's still plenty of time to fuck it up"

And although Trixie would never admit it, she knew Katya was right about that.

Katyas POV:

"Hey! Are you even listening?" A familiar voice echoed, snapping Katya back to reality.

"Uh, yeah?"

"Okay then, what was I just saying"

"That Jackson from work left you on read, like he usually does"

"...okay fine, lucky guess" Adore grumbled, slurping her milkshake dejectedly.

The two girls were parked in the far corner of a local five guys, sharing a tray of fries to accompany their milkshakes and they brooded in their booth. The blistering heat of August had begun to wear off at this point, so both were able to sport layers other than tank tops or spaghetti straps. Adore wore a dress shirt and tennis skirt combo, with a studded black cap to accompany (essentially she looked like the world's most emo ball girl). Katya wore similarly edgy attire: her favourite slipknot tee, short shorts and her huge platform docs.

token punk ~ trixya college/roommates auWhere stories live. Discover now