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They jumped out the uber and onto a gravel patio, heels crunching sharply on the debris. The house in front glowed with light and pulsated noise in an almost hypnotising way, washing all of Trixies academic anxieties away in one solid transverse wave. Max's place was larger than your average suburb abode, with a big garage and strangely long front porch. The four of them practically ran inside, unable to contain their strange excitement.

As they entered, a pretty blue haired girl came round the corner at speed, almost bumping into them. Trixie blinked a few times to triple check before asking,


The grungey girl looked at Trixie for a second before breaking out into an infectious grin.

"Oh my god hi!" She greeted boystrously, pulling Trixie into a hug. "I can't believe you're here!"

"Girl I didn't know you knew Max?" Trixie grinned, visibly pleased to run into her old roommate.

"Babe I know everyone, especially the partiers" She said as they giggled together. Adore had dropped out within the first week, describing college as 'not fitting her life's vibe'. So running into her again was super cool.

"Okay I need to grab something from upstairs, you go through and my girl Katya will show you where the booze is. I'll be down soon" she quickly informed, turning to run up the stairs just in front.

Trixie opened her mouth to protest, but she was already gone. The girls behind stood silent for a split second before all keeling over laughing. Adore was friends with Katya? It seemed like such an unlikely pairing, with the bubbly and friendly Adore not appearing to have much of anything in common with Trixie's sarcastic, anti social roomate. Kim rested a hand on Trixie's shoulder the way she did before being a playful bitch.

"You heard Adore, let's go find our tour guide" She exclaimed irritatingly, causing Trixie to slap her hand.

They walked through into the living room and were greeted with a swarm of drunk frat boys and sorority chicks as they danced and pissed about. The music blared through a dj deck in the corner of the spacious room, the host Max stood flicking through one of the huge shelves of vinyl that rested just a bove. It was an 80s house tune that Trixie recognised but couldn't quite name, which made a much needed change from the chart toppers usually played at your average party (it was much better to dance too). Her eyes flicked around past some more familiar faces, most notably a Australian transfer called Courtney from Trixie's music class, who was sat straddling some boy on an armchair.

She was gorgeous, to say the least. The kind of gorgeous that takes the air out of you and leaves your jaw ajar. Her voice was awesome too, which made her disturbingly attractive, especially for Trixie. The two of them had bonded over music a ton of times, and spent time brainstorming for their coursework in free period. She was one of those low key crushes, the type you don't take too seriously until it's too late.

"Hey Trixie!" Courtney called, jolting her back to reality. She began to try climb off of the guy, only for him to grab her arm, tieing them into a bickering argument.

"Is everything okay?" Trixie called, concern in her tone.

"Yeah, we're good" Courtney returned brightly in between her rant, turning and flashing a smile "I'll be over in a minute"

Trixie opened her mouth to protest, but decided to allow it. She didn't doubt that Courtney could look after herself.

And then she saw Katya. She had just entered in from the garden, stabbing her cigarette into an ashtray as she did. She was dressed the same as this morning, but had removed her leather overcoat, revealing her snatched collar bones through the strapless dress she wore. She caught Trixies eye as she looked around, flashing her usual cheeky smirk.

token punk ~ trixya college/roommates auWhere stories live. Discover now