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🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️...don't kill me y'all please I forgot I even had this unfinished fanfic 💀 anyways enjoy this chapter finally. Remember this takes place after season 2. Pretend season 3 doesn't exist 🏃‍♂️💨

       The puppet of someone else's game


With a dried painful gasp will woke up to nothing, he was back in the dark. He reached his hand to his neck, rubbing at it as he remembers the traumatic events that took place. Wiping away a few tears that happen to escape from his eyes, he managed to get himself up to look around as if he could see.

"..Klaus-" Wills voice came out croaked. He now realized how strained his throat was.

"You called? You know you can't just call my name and think I'll appear like some obedient dog." Klaus smirked noticing the annoyed expression on Will. With a snap of his fingers, they were both in Wills bedroom.
(Author: pls remember this is all going on inside his head)

"Well You're here now so.."  Will responded bluntly
"Just tell me what your doing..why are you doing this and...why me." 

"Oh Will isn't it obvious?" Klaus moved himself closer grabbing ahold of Will. "It's because you're easy." And with a smirk Klaus leaned in pressing his lips against Wills.

The room began to spin for Will, a wave of dizziness has suddenly hit him once Klaus's lips were placed onto his own. Losing consciousness, he hit the ground with a thud

"Hm. That was fast"

Byers home
"Will breakfast is ready!" Jonathan yelled from the kitchen.
"Remember try not to be too loud, you don't want to startle him" Joyce spoke with worry grabbing her car keys. "I'll be leaving for work first and you'll take Will to school if he decides he wants to go today"

Jonathan nodded as he set Wills plate on the table wondering whats taking him so long. "Hey will-" "I'm here I'm here" Will made his way into the kitchen with a proud smile "well..good morning family" (author: sorry just in case I'm going to remind y'all that remember this isn't Will it's Klaus that's taken control of his body)

Both Joyce and Jonathan paused what they were doing and put their attention onto Will
"Uh-..yeah good morning" Jonathan answered back with a small laugh, never really seeing Will behave or speak that way.

"Will? Are you feeling okay for school? Remember don't force yourself to go, you can always stay home." Joyce spoke as she made her way to the front door pausing to look at Will

"Nah I feel so much better I'd love to go to school"
Will grabbed plain toast from Jonathan's plate and took a big bite from it ignoring Jonathan's remarks

"You sure? ...hm well alright I'll see you guys tonight I'm late for work. Love you both" Joyce walked out the front door leaving the two to finish their breakfast.

Will made his way into school trying his best to avoid the friend group for now as he made his way to first period. 'Now let's see what it's like to be human' he thought to himself as he made his way to the back of the class and took a seat.

"Yo zombie boy get the fuck out my seat"

Will looked up at the kid having no idea who he was "Seriously?...zombie boy? Ive heard that way too many times it's getting boring" he rolled his eyes and set his notebooks on the desk "well my things are on there so it makes it my seat now okay big boy? Or do you need me to explain it to you more slowly..you do seem a bit slow in the head." A few chuckles were heard around the class by the few students that arrived around the same time

"You piece of shit!!" He grabbed Will making him stand up ready to throw a punch

"HEY YOU STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!" The teacher yelled as he arrived to the classroom. Mike and the rest of the gang walked in after the teacher noticing the scene
"You. Take your things and go to the principal." The teacher pointed at the kid speaking in a stern voice.

"Tsk whatever." The kid let go of Will and grabbed his things and quickly left the room

With a smirk Will sat back down in his seat watching as mike and the rest took their seats in the front of the class like some nerds. He watched as they turned their heads to look at him, obviously wondering why he's sitting back there. He rolled his eyes and looked away making them look at each other in confusion. Class soon beginning.

the bell rang to let the students know to move to their next class. Will was already bored of this school thing so he made his way to the bathroom, hoping to cause a fight. He walked in and quickly recognized a face. Bingo

Troy was washing his hands turning his head to the door when someone walked in "Well if it isn't the fag of the school. Isn't it weird that you keep bumping into me some how. Are- don't tell me you're following me around- ew I swear if you have some type of fag crush on me I'm going to barf"

'Jeez can this kid get even worse' Will thought to himself as he cringed. He walked up to Troy watching as the kids facial expression changed to confusion. "Wha-AHGK!" Suddenly troys face was being slammed against the bathroom sink over and over. But the thing is will wasn't touching him at all. He was standing there with an amused look on his face. He watched as troy  became lifeless so he stopped and let him drop to the floor "jeez these humans are so weak" he made his way to the door taking one last look at his work "well that was fun"

I'm stopping hjeerrrreee
It's 5am and I need to sleeeeeppp hope you enjoyed 💀 if I wake up and see that I rushed the ending I'll come back and fix it I'm just so tired rn

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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