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Don't worry I'm not dead you fuckers I just got lazy 😎👊 anyways enjoy
⚠slight trigger warning⚠
PRESS PLAY! It sounds creepy with the song!
Society is cruel to make us believe we are sane, but we all secretly know that deep inside our minds, we are all insane.

Shattered glass.


Will looked at his now bloody wrist. Shattered glass from the bathroom mirror everywhere. He couldn't remember how he even got here.

He wondered how he would explain the broken mirror to his mother.

Maybe he could just say it was an accident? Right?

He glanced back at his wrist and went on to cleaning himself up.
He definitely won't be doing that again. He suddenly paused and started to laugh.

What is with the laughing.


Just stop.


Will came back to reality and finished up with his arm then cleaned up the broken glass. As soon as it was all clean the front door opened and in came a panicked Joyce and Jonathan.
(You don't have to listen to the song anymore right here lol)

"Will?!" Joyce and Jonathan both yelled out with worry.

Will hesitantly came out of the bathroom and walked into the living room where they stood.

Joyce let out a gasp as she looked at Wills bruised face. "Oh honey..." she went and pulled him into a hug "I got a call from the school..."

Will broke the hug and gave a smile at both her and Jonathan though it wasn't really a real one "hey don't get all panicky. I'm fine. Really."

Joyce didn't agrue with wills comment since she didn't want him upset. She just nodded and gave him a smile of pity.

"The principal said to take a day off to-"

"no!" Will interrupted "sorry...I meant....I'm okay to go to school tomorrow I don't need a day off"

It was Jonathans turn to speak "Will are you sure? ...you don't want to wait for those bruises to go away?"

"Yes I'm sure...I'm going to my room"
It was now the afternoon. Joyce found out about the mirror and Will had to explain how it was an "accident".

Moments later there was a knock on the door. The door was opened by Joyce and in came a panicked Mike.

"Is Will okay? He just randomly walked out of class and I didn't see him for the rest of the day" Mike didn't wait for her to answer and just went straight into wills room where he saw will staring at a wall and....talking to it?

Ha! Gonna stop here 😎👊
Peace out home slice.

Madness  •It's Not Over Yet• ~Byler~Where stories live. Discover now