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I'm back my home slices. I ain't dead. Although I wish I was 😎👊. Woah no depressing shit here ignore that my dudes. Anyway please forgive my lazy ass for not updating. Jk fucking destroy my fucking feelings I'm the worst author on here. Like I wasn't even busy. all that time while I wasn't updating I was just laying in bed like the fucking desperate for a sugar daddy lookin ass whore and watching YouTube 😎👊 anyways y'all if you don't know my gender I'm a boy and I'm hella gay. But forget about me y'all here for the story. You can begin reading now

We're all a little insane, this is fact.
We all have twisted minds and darkness In our hearts.
So stop trying to fight your true instincts.
Embrace your insanity; join me in this
never ending madness.
"I'll go call hopper" Joyce quickly said as she headed straight to the phone.
Jonathan stayed outside calling out for Will, glancing around hoping that he will come back.

Time soon passed and hopper finally arrived looking confused as ever.

"So what did you say happen? I couldn't understand through the phone"

This caused Joyce to let out a sigh of annoyance. "Something isn't right with Will again. He ran out of his room. He looked really freaked out about something....scared. Jonathan and I tried asking what was wrong but...he..." Joyce paused, still surprised from what will replied with.

"Go on." Hopper said as he is now worried as well.

"He said...it's none of our...fucking business" Joyce said the last part quietly but was still audible to hear.

"Woah the kid cursed?"

"Thats not the point Hopper. Will ran out of the house after that...into the woods. You have to go find him!" She yelled out.

Hopper nodded "you're right. I'll go look for him he couldn't have gone far. Jonathan you're coming as well. And Joyce..." hopper glanced at her.

"I'll stay here just in case he comes back" she answered. And with that both Hopper and Jonathan went to search for Will.

"Guys somethings wrong with Will" Mike blurted out. Dustin lucas and even Max were surrounded outside Mike's home.

"What do you mean?" Dustin said

"I don't know but...I saw him talk to a wall when I went over to his place today..."

"Woah wait what?" Lucas interrupted

"What do you mean talking to it?" Dustin said confusingly.

"Are you dumb. He said Will was talking to a wall so he literally meant he was talking to a wall" Max finally spoke while rolling her eyes.

"So he was talking to a wall. Then what happen" Lucas said.

"Well I found out he got beat up and I knew it was Troy but when I asked who did it he kept saying it was no one...then when I mentioned Troy he got really mad at me...we got into a fight"

"Woah like...fist and stuff" Lucas interrupted again

"No no nothing like that...it was just yelling. But all I'm saying is something is really wrong. First the thing that happened in class and now he's talking to walls"

"But what if Will is actually talking to someone" Dustin said with a serious look "that thing that happened in class...before he asked to go to the nurse..I saw him looking at something in the corner of the front of the class room. He looked scared."

"What are you trying to say" Lucas said as Max was also wondering.

Until Mike spoke up, looking as serious as Dustin. "Maybe theres this figure that only Will can see...and it probably talks to him and says things to him to scare him."

"So when you saw him talking to a wall..." Max started.

"Will was talking to an actual person" they all said together.

I ended it here on purpose 😂 y'all I'm sorry.

Peace out home slice 😎👊

Madness  •It's Not Over Yet• ~Byler~Where stories live. Discover now