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All eyes were now on him. His friends giving him a questioning and worried look.

"Will is everything alright?" The Teacher now spoke.

Will glanced around at everyone then at the ground feeling embarrassed.

"C-Can I go to the nurses office...I...I don't feel so well" he didn't wait for an answer and just grabbed his things and quickly left the classroom.

He wasn't actually going to the nurse he walked towards the boys bathroom and walked inside only to regret it once he saw who was in there.

"Troy..." Will said out loud not even realizing he did until now.

Troy looked at Will with disgust but also amusement knowing he could have a little fun bullying him around "well well if it isn't the little fag."

Will flinched as the word fag came out of Troys mouth. He turned around and went to walk out but he was then grabbed by Troy and dragged into one of the stalls in the bathroom. Before he could even think. His face was being shoved into the toilet water.

Troy was keeping Wills head down with his hands as Will was struggling for him to let him go. After about ten seconds he brought Wills head up and laughed as he watched him trying to catch his breath.

"Fags like you shouldn't be here. You're disgusting" Troy said as he yanked on Wills hair and banged his head on the stall walls then getting up and kicking him.

After that Troy felt satisfied and walked out of the bathroom, leaving the shaking boy on the ground.

Will got up from the bathroom floor after a minute and walked out with out looking in the mirror. He knew his hair was now wet and that he was bleeding somewhere on his face.

He got weird looks from the wandering kids in the hallways as he walked to the main entrance at the school where you could see the so called front desk lady that always greets everyone.

Once she had her eyes on will she quickly got up with a worried look "oh dear...are you okay?" She then looked around "hey can we get help over here!" A guidance counselor and the principal joined in with the worried looks

"This is the byers kid. Will what happened. Who did this to you" the principal spoke.

Will didn't say anything for a while just really wanting to leave.

"Alright I'll go and contact your mother to come get-....Will!" The principal suddenly yelled as will ran out of the school "hey stop!!!" The principal tried going after him but when he went out to get him he was already gone.

Will ran and ran until he made it into the woods sitting down on the ground and leaning his head on a tree.

Thats where he started to cry, hugging his knees to his chest.

Right now his mind was loud. Filled with the voice of that figure that's always around him.


"You pathetic child"


"You're nothing"

The voice wouldn't shut up. It made will cover his ears but it obviously wasn't helping.


"Get up!!!" A voice said which startled him and he looked up to see the figure from before but the only difference was he could actually see it's face...his face.

Will quickly got up as told, staring at him with fear.

"Go home." It whispered with a grin on it's face.

Will nodded and started walking out of the woods.

"Stop" It demanded which Will stopped

"I'm not done yet." He moved closer to will, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and whispered in his ear "go home and take that razor out from the pencil sharpener in your bag and use it on your arm" after that he disappeared.

Will had a confused look on his face not knowing what he meant by that but headed on home.

Authors note
Gonna stop here 😂 it's short again but 👌 anyways peace out home slice 😎👊

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