761 29 17

I'm sorry but I fell in love tonight
I didn't mean to fall in love tonight
You're looking like you fell in love tonight
Could we pretend that we're in love....
He was standing there, black figures looming over him. Behind the figures of darkness light glowed. He reached his hand out but the light shrank.
He grew desperate, scrambling and pushing against the darkness the light grew smaller until finally, he was in the pitch black. Will whimpered as the darkness turned into malicious grins and unkind eyes. He spun on his spot, surrounded. Yet, these looks didn't make him feel anything...
The hatred he felt towards himself...
The sadness...
The far away happiness... Just nothing...

A silhouette with a disturbing smile and curved eyes speaks out in a corrupt voice

"You believe that they care?"

"They're tired of you"

"You'll make their lives better if you weren't around screwing it up with your stupid dramatic episodes"

Will listened on with a blank face....eyes filled with nothing....emotionless.

"Why isn't he waking up yet?" Mike spoke as he was biting his nails out of nervousness.

After will collapsed he was quickly brought to the hospital by Mrs.Wheeler. Wills mother was called and she arrived shortly after.

Will was on a hospital bed while Joyce, Mike, and Jonathan are sitting on chairs waiting for him to awake but it doesn't seem to be happening.

Joyce looked over at mike and gave him a reassuring smile "don't worry he'll be up soon, the doctor said the reason for his sudden collapse was due to a head injury- (Author: remember what Troy did to him in the bathroom 🤠) -they made sure it wasn't anything serious."

One voice turned into two voices then turned into more and more until they were overlapping each other causing will to fall to his knees and cover his ears but they still found a way to get through him he heard every little thing...not one word missed.

"Shut up...p-please..." will mumbled out.

They wouldn't stop

"Shut up" he said a little louder

They wouldn't stop

"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!!" Will cried out


Will kept his head down not daring to look up. Although the voices stopped he still felt scared.

"Will" a familiar voice called out which caused him to quickly look up only to be filled with confusion when he was in his room.

His door opened to reveal his smiling mother. "Dinner is ready, go wash up"

Will could only nod and watch as his mother walked away. He went to the bathroom and washed his hands then went to join them at the dinner table.

He froze in place once he got to the table. "D-...Dad?"

"Yes what is it?" His dad looked at him and smiled

Will glanced at his mother and Jonathan seeing that they both seemed calm. "Oh..n-nothing...I forgot" he sat down.

Will sat there watching them eat, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

"Will honey why aren't you eating? Is everything alright?" His mother asked

To find out what was going on will had to ask a question. "Um...I was just...well..this might be a bad time to bring this up but I just want to know...that day when I went missing-"  "what?" He was interrupted by his mom "Will sweetie what are you talking about?

"......nothing never mind I-.......since when were you and dad back together.."

"Will seriously is something wrong? Me and your father never split up"

Will put his hand up to his head "um...heh...sorry...I should go and lay down" Will got up and went to his room. "What's going on?" He said to himself as he lied down on his bed. He shut his eyes for a few seconds.....

"Will" again a familiar voice called out that caused him to open his eyes only to be filled with confusion once again when he found himself in mikes basement sitting at the table where they play D&D.

"Will...everything alright? ....you spaced out a bit" Mike said as he was putting the game pieces away.

"Huh...oh sorry yeah I'm fine" he looked around "where's Dustin and Lucas?"

Mike let out a laugh "dude you sure you're alright? They left already remember"

"Oh right...um...can you call my mom to come pick me up" will asked, watching mikes facial expression change with confusion

"Why? Aren't you gonna bike home?"
It was wills turn to be confused

"I'm not allowed to bike home alone remember?" Will got up and sat on the couch.

"Since when? You always bike home." Mike sat next to him.

Will was quiet for a moment until he got an idea "hey so....how's eleven doing...well I mean Jane sorry"

"Huh? What do you mean? Will who's eleven?"
Wills eyes were wide with shock. 'What's going on' will thought to himself.  He suddenly got up the couch quick when he felt mike put his hand on his thigh.(Author: I'm laughing at my own writing) "Um...what are yo-" Mike cut him off "I'm sorry it's just that...I really like you"

Suddenly everything disappeared around Will and he was in pitch black again.

"I Could continue that if you want me to" a voice said
Will recognized who it was and it was the figure. He felt it-..well him wrap an arm around his shoulder. "Wh-What was that..." Will asked as his body trembled with fear from the figures presence. "That my friend is how your life could have been if it wasn't so fucked up" the figure snapped his fingers and they were back in wills room. "A perfect family....a loving dad...hey you could've even had that boy you love so much..mike is it?" He smirked when he saw wills reaction to hearing that name. "I don't know what you're talking about...me and mike are close friends...best friends. I don't see him..THAT way" will sat on his bed

The figure walked over to Will and grabbed his chin making him look at him "oh you think I don't know. I've heard your thoughts will. You want him to hold your hand and hold you close to him" he was caressing wills cheek now "but do you wanna know something....you could have him. You could have that perfect life. All you have to do is stay here...and let me take control" the figure wiped the tears that were sliding down wills cheek. "Come on...think of mike...you guys could hold hands...be together."

"I-I could be with mike?" Will questioned as he stared at the figure. The figure nodded, a smile on his face. "aren't you tired will? You need a break"

"Y-Yeah....I need a break....."
This chapter was probably confusing. I hope you guys understand what was going on.

Welp until next time my dudes 🤠

Peace out home slice 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠

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