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They say that an invisible red string wraps itself around one's pinky, forever connecting them to their soul mate. The string can be pulled taut, get twisted or knotted, but it will never break, because God himself has destined the two to be together, forever.
Don't believe that whole red string bullshit.

"Is Will okay? He just randomly walked out of class and I didn't see him for the rest of the day" Mike didn't wait for her to answer and just went straight into wills room where he saw will staring at a wall and....talking to it?



Will was quickly brought out of this trance and now had his eyes on Mike. He wondered when he got here and how long he was standing there.

"Mike...what are you doing here?" He got up with a smile, ignoring his worried expression.

"I came here to see if you were okay...and are you? I mean What the hell happened to your face? Who did this to you?" Mike was now examining wills face with more worry.

"It was nobody...don't worry"

"Nobody? What so....so you did this to yourse-"

"No....I-....it was No one...really...just...I'm okay" Will avoided eye contact with Mike feeling horrible for lying.

There was a moment of silence between the two. Both wondering who's going to say what next.

Soon Mike decided to break the silence. "Was it Troy...."

Suddenly something changed in wills attitude and he sent mike a glare
"you came here to ask if I was okay and I answered you. I'm okay alright!! So just get the hell out!!"

Mike was startled by this sudden outburst wondering what was going on with his best friend. "Will please wha-"

"Get out!" Will yelled out again

"Mike please...just go" Will was now crying as his gaze was focused on the floor.

Mike stood there for a moment with a pained look before he decided to leave. Leaving Joyce and Jonathan wondering what just happened.



You'll shall listen to me...and only me....

Those things repeated over and over in wills head.

He kept trying to calm his mind down but it became worse as he kept crying he couldn't take it.

He barged out of his room startling his mother and Jonathan.

"Will is everything okay?" Joyce asked as she watched will heading towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" Jonathan asked

Will stood by the door with his hand on the doorhandle and his back facing them.

"Will?" Joyce got up from the couch as well as Jonathan

He slowly turned to face them with a frown, tears still streaming down his face. He opened his mouth to speak and what came out shocked the both of them

"It's none of your fucking business." He ran out the front door heading to the back yard and into the woods, ignoring Joyce and Jonathan yelling his name

He didn't know what came over him. He didn't know what was going on with him. All he knew is that he had to get out.

He had to get out....

Haha! Ending the chapter right there jsdjhadhsj goodbye jdjfjsjx

Madness  •It's Not Over Yet• ~Byler~Where stories live. Discover now