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Before you start reading I just want to apologize to some people because I was told that my way of writing was confusing but also interesting. They weren't trying to be rude but I just want to apologize to anyone else that found it confusing. And one person I guess was being rude since they said I was a psychopath because of my way of writing. I'm just a very creative person and my imagination is crazy and I'm just someone who's been through some crazy traumatic shit that I'm not going to get into 😂😂. HdfhsuvhHdfhsuv Well fuck no one cares about this bullshit you guys just want to read the story 😤😣😤 fight me. If you actually read this vote on this story and comment candy canes....don't ask why I chose that word. Anyways....you can read it now

Will stopped running once he was deep into the woods. He glanced around out of breath wondering how he got out here.

"What a pity" the figure said.

Will let out a sigh of annoyance which did not please the figure at all.

Will started walking again not sure where he will end up. He had a weird feeling in his chest that made him walk even faster.
He eventually walked out of the woods quickly realizing where he was.

"Mike..." Will sped up as he was heading towards Mike's house.

He stopped as he saw the rest of the group there. He was going to turn back but heard Dustins voice call his name.

He just stood there as they all went up to him.

"Are you okay?" Mike said. He felt a bit awkward because of the little fight they had.

Wills eyes were all teary eyed but he stayed silent. They couldn't see it but the figure had a tight grip on wills shoulder.

"You should've thought twice before you decided that giving me an attitude was okay" the figure whispered.

Will had to blink a few times and take a deep breath before he answered. "Uh yeah..I'm fine...um..." he looked around his vision getting blurry.


"Dude he doesn't look too good"

"We should call his mom"

Mike put his hand on wills shoulder trying to grab his attention. "Hey.. look at me"

Will made eye contact with him and smiled "Mike.."

Mike furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and turned his head to look at the rest of the group who had a look of concern.
He turned his attention back to Will. "Yeah...it's me...let's go inside ok? And I'll call your mom-"

"No!" Will shouted taking a step back with a glare.

"She thinks there's something wrong with me....she always thinks that whenever I act just a bit different that there's something wrong"
Will put his hands on his head letting out a laugh. "Oh my god and that look she gives me"
he yanks on his hair then looks at his friends with tears in his eyes but also with a big smile "it just makes me want to strangle her." He puts one hand over his mouth and starts laughing. "Holy shit.."

Mike was shocked hearing what was coming out of Wills mouth and so were the rest.

"Will your nose" Max said with worry

Will touched under his nose then looked at his fingers to see blood. His vision got blurry again and he felt dizzy. Before he knew it his vision went black.

Mike reacted quickly and caught will before he hit the ground. He turned his head towards his house and yelled "Mom!!!"

You guys are probably so annoyed and done with me with always doing these cliffhangers and making the chapters short. I know you guys hate it but I keep doing it and idk why jdnwjdjsndb. Anyways I know there might be grammar mistakes in my writing so if you want you can let me know and I'll fix it

Peace out home slice 😎👊 also remember it's no nut November. So ladies do the men a favor and cover yourself up 😩 just for this month

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