★ Two ⭐

194 13 1

Song she was listening to before on thee side or at the top depending on what ur using
Chapter Two

I left the office with a blank expression. The kind office lady had given me my timetable and map quickly and I was currently trying to find my first class. S&E. I liked S&E at my old school but that might've been because Marty was there.

I drew a shaky breathe.

Neither Marty nor Jordy had called me. I had tried calling the first time I was abused by Kylie but no one had picked up. I should've known they wouldn't though. People make promises but  they're never kept. Soon enough that person drifts from your life even when they said they'd never leave. Memories would begin to fade when you said you'd never forget. You get torn apart when you were supposed to stay together forever.

Funny how its all a lie isn't it?

I sighed and trudged painfully to the classroom. I kept my limps to a minimal. Wasn't allowed to draw attention to myself.

The bell went five minutes after and I walked into the class, crossing the distance to my teacher.

"Pheobe Hunter?!" The enthusiastic middle aged woman asked.

I forced a smile. It was difficult nowadays. "Yeah..."

She smiled brightly. "Okay, well, right now we're learning about the second world war and you just need to talk quickly with the person next to you and they'll fill you in. Speaking of which..." She scanned the room with her green eyes. "You can sit beside Matthew over there."

She pointed to a boy with dirty blond hair and tanned skin who was currently laughing at his crutch.

In other words he was laughing at a text message he received.

I nodded and walked weakly over there. I plopped my bag beside the desk. I sat carefully down and tried my best not to flinch. The guy looked over at me and frowned.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded tightly and forced s fake smile. "I'm fine."

He grinned. "I'm Matty."

I rolled my eyes. "Phoebe."

He smiled and turned around to face me, slipping his phone into his pocket in the process. "Are you new?"

I nodded, yes sadly.

He looked thoughtful for a second. "What brings you here?"

I cringed and gulped painfully. "I... I... Don't really want to talk about it..." I mumbled, blinking back tears.

He nodded and turned away, obviously not noticing my distress.

I couldn't decide if this was a good thing or not.

I stayed silent and gave Matty a shaky smile and small answers whenever he'd talk to me. Luckily he mainly focused on texting his friend who I saw was saved as Fuckhead.

Great friendship.

When the siren went I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

Matty stopped me from leaving though. "Wait, Phoebe!" I stopped and stood for him to catch up. "What do you have next?"

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