★ Four ⭐

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⭐Chapter Four

Ruby retracted from Lauren who now layed on the ground in shock. My mouth fell open and suddenly Ruby was yanking me away from the scene.  Cursing under her breathe. My arm felt like it would pop out of it's socket. Damn, this girl was strong.

"Phoebe hurry the hell up would you?" Ruby snapped.

I picked up my pace and followed her to a table where three other people were already seated. I resisted looking back over my shoulder, knowing daggers would be shot at me from Lauren.

Yeah, you know that thing where people say daggers are being shot at them from people's glares?

Yeah, well, sometimes when Lauren is really pissed... those metaphorical daggers?

Let's just say they become real.

And let me tell you, its really painful.

And really hard not to get killed.

Ruby tugged me into the seat beside her and turned to face the group. I instantly recognised the guy from Maths. The attacker...

What was his name?

Oh right, Cassidy.

I noticed he had come out of the miniature brawl unscathed but I found myself wishing he hadn't because that body really needed one flaw, this shit was unnatural.

And unwelcome.

My eyes raked over him leisurely and I almost fainted. Bloody hell. His skin was a beautiful olive colour and his sapphire eyes contrasted so freaking perfectly it was insane. His dark long eyelashes brushed his cheek as he blinked. His hair was due for a cut and hung over his forehead in black glossy waves.

And let's just not get started on that body.


So here's where I realised he was looking back at me with a smirk on his gorgeous features.

Talk about awkward.

I blushed slightly and looked away. When I did a tight tugging sensation started in my chest. I frowned and rubbed it subconsciously. Maybe it was heartburn?

I took in the other two people at the table who were currently debating something with Ruby though I hadn't a clue what.

The first was a short but slim girl with long wavy brown hair and smart light blue eyes. Her skin was a dark olive and her cheeks held dimples when she smiled.

I had to say, she was really pretty.

One of those natural beauties.

The boy next to her was taller and had a much more threatening dilemma about him. His spiky ink black hair half covered his dark eyes. Both contrasted hugely against his pale skin.

His lip and eyebrow featured piercings as well as several on his ear. He kinda gave off that back-the-fuck-up-don't-mess-with-me vibe as he shot glares at everyone around him and with the scar cutting through his eyebrow.

So cliché.

"Is that Phoebe?" A familiar voice snapped me out of my accession.
I looked up to see Matty coming towards us. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

Well I tried to.

You know its hard when your whole cheek hurts from even eating or talking. Its difficult.

Its the thought that counts though right?

"Yeah, do you guys know each other?" Ruby asked.

Matty nodded. "Yeah, teach told her to sit next to me in S&E."

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