⭐ One ★

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Chapter One

I stared at my new bedroom roof. The paint was cracked and peeling. The walls had chunks missing and plenty of holes. I'd tried to cover them with pictures and furniture but still some evaded. I rolled over to lay on my side. It was still uncomfortable but I had a feeling that it was bad enough of a mattress that there wasn't any possible comfortable position. I sighed from my negativity.

Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts!

Usually I wasn't so negative and even quite the optimist. But lately nothing seemed to be going right. I looked at one of my most favourite posters. Like the rest, it featured a wolf. Its head was held high in a howl. Behind it was a thick dark forest of trees. They'd made the forest light a blue colour. It really was lovely. I smiled as I remembered the day mum gave it to me. My smile faltered. That was before she winded herself up in a nursing home for mentally ill people. It hurt that I hadn't seen the signs. She was always so quiet and distant. Always tired and separating herself from society. I thought she was just sick. She was. Just worse than I could have imagined. Images flashed in my mind. Her still body lying on the kitchen floor, an empty pill bottle in hand. The lifeless person that was supposedly my mum in a coma. Holding her hand while she took the shallowest of breathes. Her crazed eyes when she screamed for me. Her tears when I left.

I cut mind from the painful memories. She's okay now. They're taking care of her. I tried to calm myself but couldn't help but feel guilty and sad that she was there and I was so many towns away from her.

I took three long slow breathes. Something my councillor told me to do when it all got to much for me.

Shame that Kiley took that moment to make my life hell again. The door flung open and I leaped off my bed. I pressed myself up against the far corner and shook as a beautiful looking woman walked in.

With a mop.

Okay, I know what your thinking. A mop? Yes, well, take my word when I say it hurts when someone takes a swing at you with it.

It really hurts.

Really bad.

Like ow.

Big ow.

She grinned in a psychotic manner and raised the mop. Eyeing me up. "Good your up. Wouldn't want a repeat of yesterday now do we?" She hissed.

I was tempted to breathe a sigh of relief when she dropped the mop. Thank god, it wasn't a repeat of yesterday then.

But I remembered that she can cause just as much damage with her hands.

She took a step towards me and I shook and trembled.

"You have school today, Phee phee." She mocked my mother's nickname for me. I blinked back tears.

I knew by now tears only encouraged her.

I backed up further into the wall, so much it hurt.

She walked up to me and stood in front of me, bringing a hard slap across my face.

Huh. A bitch slap from the biggest bitch out.

"Ignoring are we? That's pretty rude don't you think?" She shoved me down and I cried out as my elbow twisted painfully on the cement floor.

Oh by the way, I live in a tiny old gym room. I don't know how they fit a gym in here though.

I can hardly fit my bed.

Single bed.

I can hardly fit my single bed.

Kiley stood over me and grinned cruelly as she kicked my stomach. I held my breathe from the vicious pain that shot up my side when she did. She pressed one high heel into my leg and I bit my nails into my palm from the ridiculous pain it caused.

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