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Guys I can't do it! I can't write this anymore. Like at first I was like holy crap I have readers and votes... People must like my book!
But the thing is, I don't like this book.
I hate writing it.
I have no creativity for it anymore.
I look at it and I go, yuck.
I try write it because people read this one... But I like writing my others a lot more and this just nope.
I hope you guys understand because I'm quitting this book. I'll still write my other books but this one is like I don't even know, a disease to me. It just isn't what I wanted.
I cannot write it.
So I won't.
I got some shit going on in my life at the moment. I won't go into details but it stresses me out and I break down a lot, I can't see the point in doing anything. I dunno if I'm getting depressed or whatever but yeah this is just a bother to me. So yeah, I'm not gonna bother.
Quitting the book guys!
If you actually like my writing, feel free to read my other books. In my opinion, they're far better than this one.
My other books are;
Hidden World. This one's an all round supernatural one and I don't really have a plot planned really, I'm just writing what comes to head. I wanted to see if I worked better like that. Its gonna have some humour.
Romance Is For Amateurs. Holy crap, I actually love writing this. Its not supernatural at all, its a 100% human character book and its full of laughs (well I laugh) and crazy. Its a racing one, street racing. I've got some plans for it. It is a romance but not cliché.
Amy Smith. Another human one. Its my darkest book. I have a huge plan for this one and have had it thought of for ages. I want it heartbreaking and sad and emotional. I want people to cry, yes I know, I'm sadistic as fuck. Not much humour at all just a good story setter.
Bleeding Bride. Vampire one! I actually ADORE vampires! Holy crap. This one, human girl, kidnapped by psychotic vampire prince who needs to marry. Hopefully funny and romance as all books really are.

I have fifty million books wanting to write in my head and often I get distracted from my actual books I'm posting.
Hang in with me.
Thankyou for all the votes and comments that have been given to me by you guys. It does mean a lot to me.
I just.
So yeah, I cannot.


Yeah, so the shit in my life right now is over my "dad"(s)
Fucking hate him.
Love you guys!
Sorry if you actually liked the book but yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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