⭐Six ★

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★ Chapter Six ⭐

Cassidy swerved the car onto the side of the road and I wasted no time in undoing my seatbelt and opening my door. I leaned outside of it, hunching over and clutching my side. Curling up half in and half out of the car.

I squeezed my eyes shut tight and breathed heavily through my mouth to attempt to lesson the pain.

I didn't even hear the driver door open or footsteps running around the car. It was only when two warm arms slid under me that I remembered Cassidy existed.

He scooped me into his arms and I cried out as his hand brushed my side. I bit into his leather clad shoulder to keep my yells contained and struggled to have my tears stay back.

He quickly adjusted me before laying me gently onto the grass beside the road and prying away my jaw from his shoulder.

I curled up again and clutched my side in agony. I pulled off my jumper, not caring that I didn't have a shirt on underneath or that Cassidy was not even a metre away. I pulled up my bandage to see blood. Red was coating my scarred skin.

I hissed out through my teeth and closed my eyes. I opened them when suddenly I felt someone hunch over me.

"Holy shit, what the hell happened to you?" Cassidy whispered.

His gorgeous eyes were fixated on my cut with concern and worry etched heavily on his face.

I couldn't let him see me like this, no one could know. I tried to sit up but was held down by pain.

My body tensed as all of a sudden two warm hands covered my cut. Somehow the warmth soothed the pain and I found myself relaxing. My eyes locked on the strong olive coloured hands and saw something impossible.

The blood was retracting towards the pair of hands and them seeping back into my skin. I gasped as the cut began reclosing itself and fading from red montrosity to a silvery scar.

The hands moved away and I looked up to find Cassidy already looking at me.

What the hell was that?

I must've been delusional or this was all some  crazy wishful dream. Any minute I would wake up either in the cruel mattress I was now accustomed to. Or if I was truly lucky, everything that happened to mum was a dream. Well, a nightmare. Maybe I had passed out when I was walking home from the cold. Maybe I'm still on the side of the road a couple of houses away from home.

I knew they were to pretty to be real.

A  smile fell  onto  my face and Cassidy's voice drifted from my notice as I zoned out.

All I had to do was wake up and then I would be  happy again. I closed my eyes and let out a content huff of air. I was going to be absolutely fine.

I opened them again and smiled softly at Cassidy. The gorgeous boy of my imagination. I slowly got to my feet and looked at him. If I willed for him to do something then he would wouldn't he? I  mean it is my  dream after all.

"How do I wake up?" I asked, willing for him to answer truthfully.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He asked confused.

"How do I wake up from my dream?" I repeated slowly. Maybe imaginary people in your  head had dodgy hearing?

"This is not a dream," he said even more confused. His eyebrows knitting together.

"Sure it is." I said.  "I mean really, that magic stuff you did  just then was obviously a dream."

Suddenly I panicked. What if only the healing cut act was a dream. What if I passed out when he was driving? Of course, I should've known. It would've been way to long of a dream otherwise. I've still got a crazy guardian and a huge cut on my side with no hope of ever healing.

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