★ Seven⭐

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Chapter Seven

I hadn't spoken to Cassidy the whole ride back and purposely kept to myself. Though its not like he exactly tried to make conversation either. I had thought I would be thinking over all the stuff that had just happened, I mean it was very weird and not at all normal.

But as weird as it is,

The more I thought over all those impossible happenings, the more I accepted it and the more insignificant it seemed. I acted like it was natural and a daily occurrence.

Its so obviously not.

And yet my brain tells me its fine and not to worry about it all. The only reason I can think of for my new reasoning is that being surrounded by crazy people has started to make me myself go a little insane as well.

I gazed out the cars window, it was highly likely I had lost my mind. Maybe its been missing since I was born as Marty and Jordan believed.

I sighed as the car came to a halt as we pulled into an empty parking lot. I felt Cassidy's eyes on me but refused to move just yet.

"Uh, if your-"

"Shut up for a minute." I snapped.

He did as he was told but I could still feel his stare.

I sighed and opened the door. Swinging my legs out first. I stood up and grabbed my bag.

Without waiting for Cassidy I trudged towards the school just as the bell rung. I went straight to art and walked in and up to the grumpy looking teacher.

My thoughts were scattered still. Even if I was crazy to start accepting those events, I still wasn't insane. And I for sure wasn't gonna let it go just yet.

Again, I'm not insane.

Close. But not quite.

I sighed, trying to get this stupid teachers attention. They wouldn't even spare me a glance from their texting.

Who was the teen here?

I peered over his shoulder to read the contact name. Sweety Boo. Oh, you have got to be kidding me, honestly.

"Sweety Boo? Really? Who's she? Is she hot? Well, I guess she can't really be that hot, I mean you look eighty, a girl your age can't be hot. My lordy. She must have a nice personality then. Unless-"

"Excuse me? Are you in this class miss?" The teacher tried to cut in with a pissed off voice.

Perhaps it would've worked if I wasn't so intrigued with 'Sweety Boo'.

"Unless of course you go for younger women, who are either to wasted to comprehend what's actually occurring or just after your money. But then again its unlikely to be the second, I mean your a teacher after all, you hardly make money. Wait! I know what it is now! Your a drug dealer aren't you?! Oh my god, our teachers a drug dealer! A FULL BLOWN DRUG DEALER IS TEACHING OUR CLASS!"

As you may have guessed,

As of tomorrow I have a lunchtime detention.

And was OCId out of the lesson.


Okay, I'll admit this is an insanely short chapter.
Like, really short.
For that, I apologise. Its been so very long since I last updated and the first time in like months since I've actually had battery charge for my stupid phone.
My charging port on my phone is broken and omg its annoying as hell.
But yeah, this is all I came up with.
To be completely honest, I'm already getting bored of this book cause I can't get anywhere with it.
I'll try my best to write but I can't promise anything.
Oh, and I know its little but we've got over 400 reads (altogether but still) and some votes.
I haven't said this yet but votes and comments make me smile :) so please,
Don't be a silent reader.

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