⭐Eight ★

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Eh. Lets just continue. Very short but they usually are. Picture of Kylie being the crazy psycho she is.

Chapter Eight

It wasn't raining on the way home. A fact I was thankful for. I walked slowly, my mind pondering elsewhere. As always, it wandered to my old life. Right now I would be getting a lift home from Jordan. We would be laughing at old inside jokes. The usual.

He had been sick the whole week on the day I found mum. Marty was as usual with her good old boyfriend, Trent, so she couldn't have driven me. Mum wouldn't pick up the phone, thus the reason I had walked that day. Every time the memories come up, so does a cruel wave of guilt. If only I'd realised to get help earlier, if only I had seen the signs!

I brushed away my fallen tears as I came to a stop outside the hell I now resided in. My breathing faltered. Lauren. I completely forgot, Ruby had hit her. By the sight of her sleek car, I would have to say, Kylie would've heard her side by now.

The story would be so out of control. I could only imagine what lies Lauren would've told her. I knew it would be blamed on me, that I ordered Ruby to hit her, or worse, that it was me who had thrown my fist. It was certain I would be 'punished' and hurt. For sure, I would have nothing remotely to say in the matter. And Kylie of course would just rule me out as the culprit. I could already feel the pain that I would surely have to enjure tomorrow.

I closed my eyes. What if I just turned around now? What if I ran away. I doubt they'd come and find me. Dad would probably be to drunk out of his mind to notice and Kylie would find someone else to beat on.

I cringed, someone else... That could be really bad. I could be sentencing someone to hell pretty much, for trying to get away.

I sighed hopelessly and walked up to the front door. I slowly opened the door. I grimaced at the loud creak it made, I was trying to get in unnoticed. I heard a slam of a door and then feet on wood. I panicked and dashed to the pantry nearby. I closed myself in there, maybe I had a chance not to be found..?

"Oh Phee Phee! Come to your stepmother please!" Kylie's taunting voice rang out. I was confused though. She sounded like she was still down in her room.

Maybe Lauren was the one who had made the noise before. "In my room Phee Phee! NOW."

I stayed in the pantry and breathed steadily, going over my options. If I stayed here I had a chance of not being found but it was unlikely. If she found me though, found out I was hiding -


I shuddered. If I stayed and she found me the punishment would be ten times worse. If I just go...

I gritted my teeth and stepped out of the pantry. Slowly I walked upstairs. Getting quieter the closer I got to Kylie's door. I was outside it when I paused. I can't do this. I only just got better! My breathes got faster.

"I know your there Phee Phee. Come on in." She taunted. Her words sounding slurred, she was drunk. Which meant she wouldn't have a sense to stop.

My hand on the door handle shook. This was going to hurt. My whole body trembled as I pushed open the door. My breathes short.

Kylie was sitting cross legged on double bed in black lacy clothes, the shoulders hanging off. A cake was in front of her.

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