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Luna's leg bounced nervously, her eyes fixed on the door

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Luna's leg bounced nervously, her eyes fixed on the door. Finally it opened, and she sat up straight as Rick walked out. "He wants to talk to you." Rick said. Luna nodded, hurrying towards the room. Rick moved out of the way, letting her inside.

"Oh my god." Luna couldn't help as tears came to her eyes, rushing to Carl's bedside. His arms wrapped around her as soon as they could, and so did hers around him. "You're okay." She cried into his shoulder, feeling his hand holding the back of her head.

"I am." Carl looked up, meeting his dads eyes. Rick nodded lightly, shutting the door softly behind him. Once the door was closed, Carl leaned down and pressed a kiss to Luna's head. "I'm okay." She moved her face up, pulling him into a kiss as soon as she could. They didn't pull away until they both needed to breathe, making them both devolve into breathy laughter. "I'm okay, Lu."

"Thank god." She said lightly, moving so she was properly sitting down on the side of the bed. She put one of her hands on the undamaged side of his face, her thumb moving across his cheek lightly. "I was so terrified that I was gonna lose you."

"I thought I already made it clear." He said. "I'm not leaving you, Luna. Ever."

"Carl..." She sighed.

"When I make a promise, I keep it." He said. "And I promise you, I'm not going anywhere. I will be right here, with you, forever." His words didn't fail to bring a smile to her face. "Okay?"

"Okay." She nodded. "Just...please try not to get shot again." He started laughing, so she hit his chest lightly. "I'm serious, you asshole! Second time since we've known each other, third time overall. You need to stop getting shot."

"Or, people need to stop shooting me." He retorted, and she couldn't help but laugh.


Luna groaned lightly, pulling her blanket over her face to guard from the sunlight coming in the windows. Next to her, she could hear something hitting the wall, and it only took her a few seconds to realize it was Carl. Denise had given him a tennis ball, telling him that throwing and catching it would help him get used to his new lack of depth perception. For the first few weeks, he'd nearly never catch it-but in the month since, he'd been getting a lot better.

"Carl!" Michonne called from the down the hall.

"What?" Carl called back, throwing the ball again. "Denise says it's PT."

"I can't hear you, come on out!" Rick called. Luna heard Carl sigh, and pushed the blankets off her face just in time to see him leaving the room. She rubbed her eyes, slowly adjusting to the light. By the time she'd sat up, Carl was coming back into their room.

"Morning." Luna said as she stretched her arms over her head, giggling as Carl leaned down and pulled her into a kiss. She let her hands fall onto his shoulders as he pulled away and plopped down on the side of the bed. "What's up?" She asked, getting up on her knees and moving behind him, letting her arms fall over him as she laid her head down on his shoulder.

"I have to go see Denise and get my bandage changed." He said as he pulled on his boots. "Remember, you have Judy today."

"Yeah, I know." She breathed out, watching as he laced up his boots. "Hey." She said lightly when he was done, making him turn to look at her. She kissed him, pulling away and laying her head back on his shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled. She sat back on her knees, letting him stand up. "Enid and I are gonna go outside later, by the way. If you wanted to come."

"No, I'm good." She shook her head, standing up and stretching again. "I'm gonna relish in the fact that all I have to do today is watch and Judy and not be up on one of those stupid guard towers getting heat stroke." He snorted, grabbing his pistol from the nightstand and shoving it into his holster. She moved past him, grabbing her towel from the back of their door. He followed her out into the hall, grabbing her hand and stopping her before she could go into the bathroom.

"I'll see you later, okay?" He said. She nodded, letting him pull her into a hug. Her fingers played with the ends of his hair lightly as they pulled away, just for him to pull her into another kiss.

"Go." She said, a light smile on her face. "And bring me back a few comics, I miss reading them." He nodded, quickly kissing her again before moving away. She rolled her eyes, a smile on her face as she pushed open the bathroom door.


Luna pulled her hair up, unsticking it from her face and neck as she caught her breath and watched Carl pull on a shirt. She was about to say something when there was a noise out in the hallway. Carl moved over, pulling the door open and peaking out. She watched him tense up, shutting the door over before moving to grab his gun. "What's going on?"

"Just stay here." He whispered, pulling the door open. She didn't listen, scrambling out of bed as quietly as she could and following him into the hallway. He looked back at her, motioning with his head for her to go back, but she shook her head no. He rolled his eye, turning back and continuing down the hall. She stayed close, trying to peak around him to see. Finally, when they reached the stairs, he swung out with his gun drawn, the hammer clicking back.

"What the hell are you doing in our house?" He asked. Luna peered around him, now seeing a man sitting on the staircase. She figured it must've been the guy that Rick and Daryl had brought home that day, though she hadn't seen him until now.

"I'm, uh, sitting on the steps, looking at this painting, waiting for your mom and dad to get dressed." The man spoke. Luna and Carl shared a confused glance before looking back at the man. He'd turned slightly, now looking up at them. "Hi. I'm Jesus."

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