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Luna kneeled down, her knees hitting the grass softly

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Luna kneeled down, her knees hitting the grass softly. She hesitated for a moment before leaning down, gently placing the small bouquet of wildflowers on the fresh mound of dirt. She sat back on her legs, sniffling. She wanted to say something, but her brain was drawing a blank. She heard the gravel crunch behind her, and she knew who it was.

"I can't believe she's gone." Carl spoke. His footsteps crunched behind her until they stopped next to her, and she felt his hand on her shoulder.

"It was them." Luna said lightly, resting her hand over his. "The Saviors. Rosita said it was another group of them, led by the guy who jumped Daryl in the woods a while back."

"I heard." He nodded. "I thought it was over."

"Do you think they're coming here?" She couldn't help the nerves in her voice. Carl sunk down to his knees bed to her, his hand now moving down her arm. She interlocked their fingers, letting their hands rest on her thigh.

"I doubt it." He said. "If it's only a few of them, they wouldn't come here. They know they'd lose." They were silent for a few moments. "Hey." She turned her head towards him. "We'll be okay."


"Luna?" Luna turned around, seeing Gabriel shutting the door to the church. "How can I help you?"

"I uh...I needed someone to talk to." She said as she stood up, her hands nervously twisting around each other. "And I just figured..."

"Of course." Gabriel nodded, walking over. They both sat down on the pew and Luna took a shaky breath. "What is it?"

"Denise...I..." She trailed off, unsure of what to say or how to say it. "I never thanked her for what she did. And...and it's not just that." Gabriel nodded, letting her continue at her own pace. "I'm terrified."

"Of what?" He asked.

"Everything." She let out a breathy laugh. "I'm scared that this is all in vain, and that no matter how hard we try it won't make a difference. That one day, a herd too big will come through and we won't be able to fight them off. I'm scared that there's more Saviors, I'm scared of them coming for us. I'm scared that every time Carl walks out of my sight, it'll be the last time I ever see him. I'm scared that my dad is dead and I'll never see him again. I'm...I'm scared of myself. Of losing myself but...but also of who I am, who I've become. The other day, when you all left to to fight the Saviors I...I found myself disappointed that I didn't get to go.

"I was upset that I couldn't go raid a compound and murder people! I...I'm terrified that I'm losing myself, that everything I do just pulls me farther away from me. And I don't know what to do."


"What do you mean Carol's gone?" Luna's eyebrows furrowed together, watching as Carl pull on a flannel. "Wouldn't someone have seen her leave?"

"They think she left during shift change." Carl said, rolling up his sleeves. "Middle of the night, took a car that no one would notice was gone until it was light out."

"Do we know why?" She asked, leaning against the counter as he pulled his boots on.

"I dunno." He shrugged. "My dad mentioned a note, but he took it with him when he and Morgan left to find her. And Daryl ran off, too, so Rosita, Glenn and Michonne went out to find him. They think he's hunting the Saviors who killed Denise."

"He's gonna get himself killed." She sighed. "What the hell was he thinking?"

"Who knows." He grabbed his hat, placing it on his head. "But I've been pulled out for a shift on five, so I probably won't be home till dark."

"But this was supposed to be our day off." She groaned, throwing her head back. He chuckled, walking around the counter and pulling her into a hug. "This is so lame."

"We can make up for lost time tonight, okay?" He said, her arms lazily slinging over his shoulders. "Promise."

"I'll hold you to that." She said, looking up at him.

"I love you." He said, a light smile on his face.

"I love you, too." She smiled, propping her elbow up on his shoulder and flicking the brim of his hat. "Cowboy." He rolled his eye, scoffing before moving away from her. "What? I think it suits you."

"Yeah well I don't." He snorted as he started towards the door. "Spend the rest of the day thinking up something better. I expect at least two good ones by the time I get home."

"Yeah, yeah." She rolled her eyes, following him out onto the porch. "I'll see you later, cowboy."

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