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"Hi. I'm Jesus." A door opening behind them made both Luna and Carl turn around, seeing Michonne and Rick coming out of Rick's room. Rick was halfway through putting on a shirt, and Luna couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

"Carl...hey, um..." Rick breathed out, glancing over at Michonne. The front door shut downstairs, and seconds later, Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, and Abraham were on the stairs with their guns trained on Jesus.

"It's okay." Michonne said, holding her hand out.

"You said we should talk." Rick said, pulling on his shirt. "So let's talk."


"Luna, will you take Judith?" Rick asked as he pulled on his gun belt.

"Yeah okay." Luna nodded. "I've got her." Rick nodded, looking at Carl before ducking out of his room and going downstairs. "Oh my god." She whispered, moving to stand in front of Carl. "Are they together now?"

"Yeah I think so." He whispered back, unable to help the small laugh that came out. "When do you think that started?"

"I dunno." She shrugged, glancing down the hallway towards the stairs. "They couldn't hide it from us for that long, I don't think." She looked back at him, and they both had to stifle their laughter.

"Go, get Judy. I'm going down there too." He said. "Stay up here."

"No way, are you kidding me?" She huffed. "I'm not missing this. I'll grab Judy and take her down in a few minutes to make her breakfast." Carl sighed, raising his eyebrow. "You know how fussy she gets when she wakes up."

"Fine." He sighed. "But stay in the kitchen, away from this guy." She nodded, leaning over and pecking his lips before lightly pushing him towards the stairs. He glanced back at her before continuing down the hall, and she ducked into Judy's room. Judy was still asleep, so Luna crept back out into the hallway and sat down at the top of the stairs.

"So how'd you get out?" Rick asked.

"One guard can't cover two exits, or third floor windows." Jesus said. "Knots untie and locks get picked. Entropy comes from order, right?"

"Right." Daryl spoke.

"I checked out your arsenal." Jesus said after a pause. "I haven't seen anything like that in a long time. You're well-equipped but your provisions are low. Very low for the amount of people you have. 54?"

"More than that." Maggie said.

"Well, I appreciate the cookie." Jesus said after another short pause. "My compliments to the chef."

"Yeah, she ain't here." Daryl's voice cut in again.

"Look, we got off to a bad start." Jesus sighed. "But we're on the same side-the living side. You and Rick had every reason to leave me out there, but you didn't. I'm from a place that's a lot like this one. Part of my job is searching out other settlements to trade with. I took your truck because my community needs things, and both of you looked like trouble. I was wrong. You're good people, and this is a good place. I think our communities may be in a position to help each other."

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