•all nighter•

614 21 9

The scream was deafening and violent, I probably woke up the entire building. The clowns body was parallel to mine, a wide smile spread across its face, little bits of drool falling onto my face. It immediately woke everyone up. Will's body lifted and he let out a yell, moving his body further away from it. The others all sat and up and let out some sort of noise. Bev curled up to Ben as she shrieked, and Ben held her tightly. Mike stood up and grabbed the lamp sitting on the bedside table and ran towards it.

I was still laying under the clown, his smile getting aggressively wider and wider. Tears fell down my face as his saliva hit my forehead and cheeks. I wanted to move, I just couldn't. I was frozen, along with everyone else. However, I looked to my left to see Mike running towards me, a lamp in his hand and an angry look on his face. I clenched my body and closed my eyes, waiting for this nightmare to end.

I heard a loud bang and then panting. I slowly opened my eyes and I let out a great sigh of relief. The clown was gone. Mike was panting, holding onto the lamp loosely.

"Where the fuck is it?" I said, sitting up and started to look around, paranoid of when it would come next.

"I don't know, I hit it and then it just vanished." Mike said, dropping the lamp to the ground, leaving it with a loud bang. This woke up the neighbours, their dog started to bark aggressively.

"What does it want? I thought we killed it?" Bev said, still holding onto Ben. Everyone looked at Will and I for answers. As if we knew. We got here 2 days ago.

"I don't know but lets try and get some sleep okay, we will talk about it tomorrow at breakfast or something." I sighed, looking at the group. They all looked disappointed, I just didn't know how to comfort them. Richie groaned,

"I cant sleep, I'm awake now."

Eddie agreed and so did majority of the group. We were all too scared and alert to sleep. I sat myself up against the bed post and so did Will, looking directly at the floor. The night was long, everyone was silent or slightly whispering at times. Any sound that was made, everyone grabbed onto the closest next to them to defend themselves. People would move around the room, to comfort others or just to keep themselves entertained.

At some point during the night, Mike would go around the room and make sure everyone was warm, well feed and feeling okay; his little mental health check-ups were really comforting. I held onto Will for majority of the night, his warm skin radiating making me feel a little more calm.

As the sun came up, everyone was exhausted and hungry as well as shaken up. We all agreed we would go out for breakfast near the closest café. We all got into new clothes, tried our best to freshen up. Bev and I put on heaps of concealer so we didn't look half dead.

As we made our way downstairs, all our neighbours looked angry and disturbed. We got to the receptionist, the older lady stopped us and sighed,

"We got heaps of complaints last night about your room, being too loud and screaming banging. I get it you are kids and you want to experiment with different people or multiple-"

"Oh my god no!" I cut in. Richie let out a chuckle before Eddie hit him in the arm. "No, sorry about that. A, um, a bird, yeah a bird, flew into our window and gave us a shock."

"Oh well, you will have to leave by two pm, sorry dear. We just cant afford it again." She gave me a weak smile then sat back down in her seat and continued to type away at her out of date computer. I turned to nod at the group and we made our way out the door.

The sun hit us quick, us immediately squinting our eyes. We turned right and made our way through the busy town, multiple people in large groups already eating ice cream and wearing tank tops and shorts. Richie and Stan complained about how we are getting kicked out of the hotel and how we have to find a new place to go. Everyone came to the conclusion of that we should sleep at our own places tonight and Will and I would have to find a new hotel or bunk at Bill's.

We finally make it to the café. It was cute and small and home-like. As we made our way inside, it was warm and cozy. We sat down at a large table near the back of the café and before Bill could sit down, he spoke,

"I just need to use the bathroom, I'll be right back."

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