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"You know what? Fuck me Eddie Spaghetti."


"Should we ask them where the closest motel is?" I ask, looking at the group of teenagers walking through the streets. One of them looked drunk, skipping from side to side on the sidewalk, almost tripping over nothing. They looked like a really fun group, different colours and shapes and heights, just like our group.

Will agreed to my idea and we crossed the road, getting closer and closer to the group. There were a boy and girl walking at the back of the group, having a quiet conversation while the rest of them were laughing and screaming at each other. As we got on the other side of the road, we started to walk faster.

"Hey!" I yelled at the couple at the back of the group. The people who were ahead didn't hear us but the pair did, they both turned around and stared at us. I jogged up to them and Will was right behind me. "Hi, I'm Y/N. My boyfriend and I just moved here and we need to know where the closest motel is?"

"The closest one is just down the road but it's a shit hole. The nicest one is about an hour walk from here." The girl said, putting her hands in the front pocket of her jeans. Her hair was an orange colour, the strands of hair twisting into curls. She had light brown freckles plastered across her face, making her blue eyes shine. She is stunning.

The guy next to her was looking between Will and I, glancing at our features. He had short brown hair, little strains of blonde in his hair. He had a slit in his eyebrow and his eyes were a dark blue. He looked like just another teenage boy, tall and slim. He gave me a slight smile and looked back at the girl.

"Is it alright if you can walk us there? You don't have to if you don't want to-"

I got cut off by a loud yell from one of the boys who were ahead of us.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

I look and a boy with curly hair and thick glasses walks towards us. He looks strangely familiar. By his awful walking and slurred words, I could tell he had had one too many drinks. The rest of the group followed the boy and they all stood behind him, watching the conversation grow.

"They are looking for a place to stay." The girl said.

"Alright, why? This place is a shit fest."

"Stop being such a fucking bitch." A shorter kid pushed past the group and stood in front of Will and me, "Hi, I'm Eddie. Nice to meet you."

He put his hand out to shake and I grabbed it slightly confused. Eddie shook both Will and I's hand and smiled,

"We can walk you guys to the motel, it's not that far from here and we are walking past it anyway."

I smiled and thanked him for the offer. The group started walking again, a few of the boys walking in front of us while I walked with Will, Eddie and the girl.

"I'm Bev by the way." She said, breaking the silence. She gave me a warm smile and looked ahead, probably making sure the boys in front of us were doing the right thing. She gave me a vibe that she was the "mom" of the group.

"So what are you doing in Derry?" Eddie asked.

Will and I looked at each other then back at Eddie.

"A fresh start you know, a lot of drama back at home."

"Fair, this place will probably cause more drama though. We have this town bully, Henry. He is a faggot." Eddie said looking at the ground.

"We are almost there." The boy with the glasses shouted at us, continuing to stumble over nothing. Eddie sightly laughed at him, he was looking at the ground and starting to blush.

"That's Richie by the way. He is the most gayest straight person to walk this earth. He is a crackhead but we all love him." Bev started to tell me all the boys names. "The one of Richie's left is Stan, he is a shy one but when he talks he doesn't hold back. I think you'll get along with him. The one next to Stan is Mike, he is really chill and is a good listener if you have shit going on. And the one next to Richie is Ben, he is really sweet and nice, he also has great taste in music."

"I'm B-b-bill, nice to m-meet you." Bill stuttered, giving us a warm smile. The others stopped in front of this old building and sighed. They weren't wrong, it is pretty shit but it will have to do. The gardens were messy and the windows were dark but the door was open, a bright light shining through.

Will and I stop outside the building and look at the group in front of us.

"I'll walk you inside," Bev says, starting to walk to the main door. We followed her and she stopped outside the entrance. She grabbed onto my hand and grabbed a marker from her pocket.

"Here is my number, call me tomorrow and we can give you a tour around town." She said writing her number down. I smiled and we said goodbye to the group.

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