•unproblematic towns•

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"And I stood there, staring at these 5 boys in their underwear. It was hilarious. They were all too pussy to jump in the water." Bev said to Will and I. I looked at the boys and they all had a different reaction of their face.

"We w-w-weren't s-scared. I w-was w-w-waiting for t-he boys to jump in f-f-first." Bill stuttered. Richie laughed and faced towards him.

"Sure Bill. You were the last one in cause you had to hide your boner."

"S-shut up Richie!"

"Beep Beep Richie." Stan rolled his eyes at Richie's comment, taking a long swig from his drink.

"So tell us more about you too. We have been talking so much that we hardly know anything about you." Ben said, taking a sip of his water. Everyone nodded their head, agreeing with him. I gulped hard, the reason we came here was to get away from all of our problems and never talk about them again. I felt Will's hand snake into mine, holding it tightly. I felt some relief lift off my shoulders and I cleared my throat and straightened myself up.

"Well, there isn't a lot to talk about really. I met Will when I was 15 and we have been together since. As I said, we came to Derry for a fresh start together. We used to live in Hawkins." I said.

"Well aren't you two fucking boring." Richie chuckled. "We have a bully and we dealt with a killer cl-"

Richie stopped talking when Eddie slapped his arm with force. Richie rubbed his arm in pain,

"You bitch, that hurt."

"Shut up, we are listening to Will and y/n," Eddie said, annoyed with Richie. I looked at the group and they all looked stressed out by Richie though. Did he say killer? I thought our town had problems, well they do but I was the problem. "Tell us what your town was like. What you did and like everything."

Will squeezed my hand and he started to talk,

"Almost the same as Derry. Little bigger but it was a quiet town. We had a group of really cool friends, we went on a lot of adventures together. Did a lot of dumb shit but it was fun." Will looked at me and smiled. I miss our friends, a lot. El, Mike, Max, Dustin and Lucas but it was for the best. And this group seems just as cool. Hopefully, we can make just as good adventures with them but without all the drama.

"Did you have any siblings? Both of you?" Mike asked, contributing to the conversation.

"I have an older brother, Jonathan."

"And I never really knew my family so." Once those words left my mouth the group started to seem more interested in us, at least some exciting gossip to talk about.

"What do you mean you never knew them?"

I didn't want to tell them that I grew up in a lab. And I didn't want to tell them that I lived with a family who pretended to be my family cause I feel like that would lead to me saying something that I don't want to tell them.

"I basically grew up in a foster home for fucked up kids." I chuckled at the last bit.

"Cool, so we will seem normal to you." Richie lightly laughed.

"All of you seem normal, except for you Rich." I winked at him and the group started to laugh.

"Watch out, she doesn't hold back." Stan laughed and pushed his arm. Richie started to laugh at me.

"Fair enough Y/N, fair enough."

I looked at Will while the others laughed and we both smiled, our hands still linked together. As the laughter died down, Bev started to speak up but she was interrupted by a yell from behind us.

"Hey look! It's the loser club, the group of fags and sluts!"

We turn around and I see a group of three boys all formed in a triangle formation. The one standing in front had dirty blonde hair in the shape of a mullet. They were all wearing jeans and basic shirts or flannelette shirts.

I looked back at the group and they all looked stressed or tired. Richie rolled his eyes and whispered to Will and I.

"Its Henry fucking Bowers."

Hello beautiful people sorry for being a basic bitch and not being able to write. So im thinking of writing a new book and here are my ideas. Comment which one you want me to write a book about.

-          Peter parker

-          Number Five

-          Stanley Uris

-          Another Will Byers

So the idea I had with the book is at the end of ever chapter the reader comments what they want to happen in the next chapter based on what the scenarios that I give you if that makes any sense. So its sorta like a 'you choose' book.

But comment what book you want to see next please. Love you all mwahhhhhhhhh x

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