Betrayal (ch1)

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Ash has just lost the Kalos league and was returning home for some special training.
"How about we find out who has the best statistics for battling and we train them to become even stronger!" Ash said with confidence.
"Pikapi, pika pikachu!" Pikachu told Ash.
"Yeah, your right, we sho-" Ash was saying before an Absol leaped out of the bushes before growling at Ash and Pikachu and running off towards Pallet Town.
"Come on Pikachu, something bad might of happened at pallet town!" Ash said. And so, they ran through route 1 and into Pallet town, unaware that something bad was going to happen.

Ash ran to his house to see how is mom was doing, but he found an unexpected surprise. All of his friends were there.
"Ash, its about time for you to give up on your dream." Misty said.
"You have gone to 6 leagues, 48 gyms, and battled hundreds of trainers, yet you still lose!" Gary shouted.
"At first your battle style was a delicious dish, now it tastes bad as a lettuce in water." Cilan said.
"SO GIVE UP!" They all shouted.
Ash was still shocked by his friends betraying him like that. Thats why that absol appeared.
"I will not give up my dream! Never! I can still win if I try hard enough, remember when i defeated Regice?!" Ash yelled.
"Pure luck, and if you wont agree, then its time for plan B!" Clemot said.
'Slide to your left, turn around, jump and exit the door, hurry!' A voice in Ash's head said to him.
"Go, Onix! Use rock throw on Ash!" Brock commanded as he realeased onix. Onix was shocked by his trainers orders, but he did it anyways.
Ash did what the voice in his head said to do. He slided to the left to dodge a rockthrow, then jumped to avoid another, then he turned around and ran out the door.
Suddenly, Ash's Charizard came from the forest and used flamethrower on Ash. Ash was shocked to see not only his friends betray him, but his pokemon as well!
'Focus your energy into your right hand, once it glows purple, you can start to fight back against Charizard. I will activate the psycho cut.' The voice said again.
Ash concentrated his hardest whilst Pikachu fought off Charizard. Ash's hand started glowing purple, and it started moving on its own! It went up, then down, releasing the energy in the form of the move psycho cut!
"P-p-pikaaaaaaaa?" Pikachu asked.
"How did I do that?" Ash asked himself.
Suddenly, a white light wrapped around Pikachu and Ash as they got teleported to the hall of origins.
"This day is crazy." Ash said.
'I know right?' The voice answered.
"How dare they betray you, Ash, you have saved the world multiple times, yet they try to kill you!" Pikachu shouted.
"I know Pikachu, they shouldnt have tried to kill me, but they were right about one thing." Ash said.
"And whats that?" Pikachu asked.
"I have been to 6 leagues, 48 gyms and I have battled hundreds, maybe thousands of trainers. How have we not won a league even once?" Ash asked.
"Perhaps we can answer that." A voice said in the white void that Ash and Pikachu were floating in.
"Whos there?" Ash asked, turning his head aeound to find the voice since it was diferent to the voice in his head.
"Show yourself!" Pikachu shouted.
"I am arceus, the god pokemon as you humans call it. I created everything in this universe. And I have been to other universes. And Ash, the voice you can hear talking to you inside your head, the one that told you what to do when onix used rock throw, isnt your thoughts nor imagination. It is actually another entity alltogether. He lived in the very first universe until... the anomilies happened. The whole universe got destroyed, leaving his soul floating around with no purpose. He managed to go to another dimension, when a mew saw him and made him half mew. His home planet was called zalckharya, so he was half mew, half zalckharyan. Anyways, when he needed to become living, I had to make him half arceus as well, and for him to survive, he needed to fuse with another entity. That entity that he fused with, is you Ash Ketchum." Arceus said.
Ash was in complete shock. He heard that voice when he was 2 years old, but it stayed with him since then. It explains why he was resistant to diferent heat and why pokemon attacks didnt hurt as much as it should have. He has half human, half pokemon! Ash fainted from the news.
"Well, I guess now to keep the space-time continum safe, you better take control and use the move transform, so he becomes an Arcmew. Half mew, half arceus." Arceus said to the still active soul inside of Ash.
It focused hard so it would be able to control Ash's body. Once he suceeded, he used the move transform and turned into his Arcmew form.
"It is going to be a long day tomorrow." The voice said.
"Yes it will be Zak, yes it will..." Arceus said.

-well, how was this first chapter? Longer than my previous documentary. There was alot going on, and I wanted to hurry up so you guys can learn more about us here at L.O.M.B. I also want you guys to know, this takes place in universe 10000, your universe is 6509, and about half of the current universes are destroyed. Project fusion is also 76% complete. See you guys later.

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