Enter the 2nd God of the multiverse (ch5)

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I was floating around in my universe. It was peaceful. It is amazing to live as a god in universe Y. But something was missing. Of course. Him. I remember back when he saved me from the other pokemon. He helped me survive. He trained me up. Now I am god. But it is very lonely. I should go see him again. But first, I should see my other god friends. I opened up a portal to the meeting area and I saw all of my friends.
"Hello again everyone..."

New region, New pokèmon!
Arcmew (Ash) POV
I flew around the open sea, looking for a good place to build an island to live on. I found an area far away from coral and away from the homes of pokemon. I dived into the water to double check. Nothing in there. I used my powers to turn into a Groudon. Ever since the instense training with Mewtwo, I have gotten better with my psychic powers. I used the powers that Groudon has and I started rising the floor of the ocean. This is gonna take a while.

??? POV
"I am sure you all have missed me. I deeply apologise for the inconvinience. I was getting lonely, but I still have jobs to do in universe Y and I had to make sure that Mewtwo doesn't go on another murderous rampage. At least I am here now. So, lets have a little conversation and I can learn about all the new things happening in the world." I said.
"It is great that you have arrived. We have tried to save every universe ever since the anomolies started, but that didnt work so we tried fusing every universe together but... someone sabotaged us. Also, we have a new god that currently lives in univers number ten thousand. Let's go and meet him." GPC said as he created another portal into the universe he mentioned.

No one POV
Ash was tired as possible after he finished building the island up to the surface. He decided to take a little nap, so he let Zak take control. Meanwhile, a portal opened up in the sky and out came the god of the multiverse, GPC, and a funny looking (Majestic and Holy) Bellsprout. When they exited the portal, Zak reverted back into his Arcmew form as he knew who GPC was.
"Hello, GPC, what do you require of me and also, who is your friend here?" Zak said whilst pointing at the bellsprout.
"Sorry, I have'nt properlly introduced myself yet. I am Ygun, the god of Dimension Y. I was gone for a few years because of some god duties and I also kept on trying to reach my long lost friend. I only suceeded once." The bellsprout with a steel head and wooden wheels for legs said. He bowed down, bending his wooden neck? to the point where it looked like it was going to snap at any second.

This is our god, our lord and saviour, my best friend, Ygun! (*)

This is our god, our lord and saviour, my best friend, Ygun! (*)

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Ygun floated over to Arcmew and flew around him. Looking at every detail.
"Fascinating, you look like a mew bred with a white and golden pokemon of sorts? I honestly dont know. My dimension only has 2 land masses. Jhoto and Kanto. So I apologise for any pokemon I do not know of." Ygun said.
"It's ok to not know thing. Anyways, I am Arcmew. I may look like one person, but I am actually 2 entitys fused together and also, the other entity is currently asleep. He spent ages building this island up to the surface when he used the move transform and became a groudon. We are planning to make a brand new region with brand new pokemon! Anyways, if I want to finish this region as soon as possible, I should take as little breaks as possible." Arcmew said as he flew back down to the ground and turned into a Groudon.

No one POV
Location: team ??? Base.
"Is it ready yet?" The boss asked.
"Yes, the cloning device is finished. We can start the cloning when you are ready." The grunt said.
"HAIL YEAH! Start the cloning! We need this new fusion pokemon as soon as possible!" The boss said. "For me to complete my goals I made this team to do, I either need to use my new fusion pokemon to extend the ozone layer or I need to shrink the Earth!"
"Yes sir!" The other grunt in the room said.
'5 more minutes until pokemon talk begins? Im gonna be late! I need to get there as fast as possible!' The boss thought. "Go Pidgeot!" The boss released his bird pokemon and he hopped onto it. "To the pokemon talk studio!" And with that, he flew off away.

No one POV
Location: Pokemon talk studio.
"Spuirtle! We need to think of something fast! If he doesnt show up, then we can't start our show! This is bad!" Bulbasaur was panicking.
There was a knock on the door.
"I will get the door Bulbasaur." Squirtle ran over to the door and opened it.

3 minutes later.
"Hey there, im Bulbasaur." Bulbasaur said.
"And im Squirtle!" Squirtle said.
"And this is pokemon-"
"What the $%@# happend to the roof?!" Squirtle shouted as he cut off Bulbasaur.
"Oh, I just thought the area would look ncer if there was more sky elements to it. I only asked my Latios to remove the roof, so no big deal." The boss of the evil team said.
"As I was saying. Today on Pokemon Talk, we have a very special guest who comes all the way from the Hoenn region. He also leads the brand new evil team in town, Team Sky! Please give a warm welcome to Michael!" Bulbasaur anounced.
"Hello everyone, it is a pleasure to be on your show today! It is I, the leader of team sky! You may call me either Michael of Mikey. And also don't forget to pick up my merch, link in the desription below..." Michael rambled on.
"Bulbasaur, do you have any idea on what he is saying? I have no clue what he means by in the link below. Please explain." Squirtle whispered to Bulbasaur.
"Fine, but I will have to break the 4th wall. Not that we haven't done it before. Anyways, this is a filler section basically for this story as the writer doesn't know what to add. He also wanted to refrence one of his favourite youtubers, MandJTV. This is all just a reference section and a way to introduce you to the evil team that will be the main plot point of the story. Anyways, goodbye and we will see you next chapter."

No one POV
Location: The meeting grounds.
As a person woke up, they found themselves in an unfamiliar place. The trees, the sky, the grass, the air, it all seemed so... animated. He looked around seeing a forest behind him and an open meadow surrounding him. He looked over to the north and he saw a hill that had an oak tree on it. The person ran over to the tree and he saw someone who he hadn't seen in ages. His best friend. Ygun. They had a big conversation with each other, just overall having a good time. In the end, the human had to return to reality and Ygun had to stay behind in universe Y. He always felt so lonely. But that will change soon. Very soon. Ygun had a plan. And he was going to do it no matter the cost.
As the journey continues

-So, I am deciding to start making stories that are based on the true stories but not documenting. The documenting doesn't really help any of you, so I am adding some fiction and letting one of us from another dimension handle with a few things. He was the one who worked on the parts with Ygun because he knew Ygun the most. Anyways, see you guys next chapter. (Hope you liked the MandJTV Refrence/Insert/Filler. I couldnt help myself. Also, not sponsered. Bye.) :)

(*) Yeah, I am a diferent person to GPC. I will be making comments in the stories and making fake stories now bye!

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