Missing (ch8)

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Mewtwo POV
This is bad. Arcmew vansihed. We had a giant battle that ended in an explosion and when I woke up, Arcmew was gone! This is very, very bad. I need to tell Arceus and everyone about this.
I teleported into the hall of origins and infront of Arceus.
"Arceus, Something bad has happened. Me and Arcmew had a battle for fun and to test his strength, which he is almost as powerful as me, and he vanished after I woke up from the giant explosion caused by our attacks.
We need to tell everyone about this right now!" I told Arceus.
"Very well, I shall tell everybody about this and even head to GPC and tell him about this." Arceus told me.
Arceus opened up a portal to the other place whilst I told everyone that Arcmew is missing. Maybe he knows about what happened.
"Hello, can you hear me?" I asked him.
"Yes, I can. You will not believe what just happened." He told me.
"Did you find and/or see Arcmew?" I asked him.
"That too. I saw something super terrifying. Diglett's true form. I am going to have nightmares for weeks!" He told me.
"Wait, you saw what Diglett's true form and it was terrifying? And you also found Arcmew? Ok, first off, we need to get Arcmew back here." I said.
"I will do whatever is necessary to get Arcmew back. Except... he kinda battled me and vanished after I won. Sorry." He said.
"Really...sigh, guess he is in another world."
"Did you just say sigh?" He asked.
"Yes." I answered
I ended the chat between us and I started heading to locations Arcmew likes. The mountains. I flew above the snow looking in the caves. The most I saw was a few Ice type pokemon but that was it. Where are you Arcmew?

No one POV 
Mewtwo kept on looking through the area of Mount Silver. He evntually reached the top of the mountainmbut no luck. He tried Pallet town. He turned invisible and flew over the houses and even to professor Oak's lab. No luck. Arcmew has vanished off the map. Mewtwo tried the locations that his friends lived at. No Arcmew. Mewtwo searched through New Island. He asked his clone pokemon if they have seen Arcmew. Everyone said no. Mewtwo knew it was hopeless. Unless?
"What if he got captured by team rocket?" Mewtwo asked. "Oh no! That will be bad! I need to check every team rocket base nearby as soon as possible!"
Mewtwo flew as fast as he could to the team rocket bases and he searched through each of them. Celadon city base? Destroyed by Mewtwo's rampage. Arcmew wasn't there. The team rocket base at Viridian city? The gym hid it well but still, no Arcmew. Mewtwo panicked and started getting angry. He knew that if he gets angry, he can't be stopped. Mewtwo flew as fast as he could to Cerulian city before hiding in his cave once again.
"It is ok. Arcmew probably is in another region. The other legendaries will find him. But just in case..." Mewtwo told himself as he teleported back to new island to run some more experiments. He foumd a small chip of Arceus' psychic plate that he didn't need, so Mewtwo took it. Mewtwo saw what powers it held and decided to use it to improve his own psychic powers. He hooked himself up to a large machine that contained the paychic plate chip. He flicked the lever. He felt energy surge through his body. He was stronger, faster better. His form changed into a new mega evolution. Mega Mewtwo Z, or as Mewtwo calls it, 'Mewthree'. He didn't want anyone to see his true form so he used transform and transfromed into his human form, that can still use his pokemon powers. He focused on all life forms on the planet. He had no success. The closest he came was Arcmew's island with Mew on it.
"Maybe... I-I... no, I refuse to believe that." Mewtwo told himself. He didn't want to believe that he accidentaly killed Arcmew. He knew that he would of been able to live. After all, in the anime Ash still lives into the Juyo region. Mewtwo was about to leave to the hall of origins to tell everyone what he fears has happened, but he felt a familiar life signature. Arcmew was back. Mewtwo teleported to Arcmew's location on the main battlefield. Arcmew was injured badly. Mewtwo knew who did this, but why did he do it?
"Soheil, why did you attack and injure Arcmew?" Mewtwo asked.
"I am kinda busy right now with negotiating with some humans, but to sum it up, Arcmew attacked me first." Soheil answered.
'So that is why Arcmew is injured badly. Better go and heal him." Mewtwo thought as he teleported away to the healing station on new island.

Arcmew POV
I woke up feeling pain all over my body. I looked around my surroundings. We were in the healing area on new island. What happened. I started to remember what happened. Ultra wormhole, snow, mewtwo. I decided to speak with Ash.
"Well, that was a tough battle against that other Mewtwo. I wonder if it is the one from the Genesect incident." I said recalling the events of the past.
'Yeah, that was a tough battle but it was definately a new Mewtwo that we have never met before. But why was it attacking those pokemon at full strength. He could of killed the pokemon!' Ash said.
I got out of the bed and floated over to the door. When it opened, I saw Mewtwo standing there.
"You two better give a good explanation for that battle or else I will beat you up worse that Soheil did."

-So, how was that chapter? I decided to have my two stories, the pokerus one and this one, connect with eachother and make a better over arching story. If you want the battle, go read the other story! Now if you excuse me, imma go train my Mewtwo on pokemon sword. Bye!:)

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