Tournament PT3 (ch11)

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Ash and his team were set on a plan to win the tournament. They only had to gether a few items, tms, trs and hms for moves like surf. There was only one region where all of those items were, but it was destroyed long ago by Hoopa. The region of Roria was huge with an icy path, cave, town as well as a giant desert with its own town and a gym and many forests and even a city in the sky, well, was in the sky. When team Eclipse decided to do evil, they summoned pokemon like Groudon, who was unable to be stopped so it destroyed half the region with its lava, Kyogre was also summoned and it flooded all the beaches and beach coast towns. Then, we have Hoopa. The last one to be summoned. Hoopa was sealed away long ago by an ancient civilization, but team Eclipse released it and Hoopa fought back. Hoopa's power was strong enough to turn the whole region into a wasteland. All the towns were destroyed, with only remnants of the buildings left. The gyms were mostly intact, but alot of them were damaged and one was even stuck in an under water cave. The only part or Roria that survived, was the island shaped like a moon that was a fair bit away from the rest of the region. It was the only place where you can take a boat to the region. It was still very dangerous.

"Ok guys, come on out!" I said as I released my pokemon out of their pokeballs whilst I was in human form. "Today, we are going to do some extreme training and we are going to gather some items used for the strategies we have planned." I told them all.
We spread out over big areas. Me, Gorochu and Greninja were all taking the northern areas as they were bigger and more dangerous. We managed to find a permanent focus sash in the desert, a tm for Protect in the ice biome, two leftovers in the forest and a tm for safeguard in the abandoned rail car. Once we gathered together again, we decided to start heading back down south to find the others. Mind you, it took us a whole day to find the items we did. Once we got to the ocean side city, which was still flooded by Kyogre, we saw the extent of the damage caused by all the legendaries.
"Who knew legendary pokemon were this powerful. They could take over the world if they wished." Gorochu commented. I knew he was right and even I was dangerous, seeing as I am both an Arceus and a Mew.
"Let's go to the remains of Anthian city to see what we can scavenge from the area. There might even be some mega evolution stones." I suggested. Gorochu and Greninja nodded in agreement.

When we finally got to the city crash site (It used to be a city in the sky until team eclipse appeared), we saw complete and utter destruction. The planes were destroyed, the blimps were burned and the balloons were popped, the shops were destroyed, leaving all the scattered items on the floor, the pokecenter seemed to be non existent. Anything and everything was destroyed. We managed to scavenge few supplies before heading out to the others. We got a whole bunch of revives, max revives, all the types of pokeballs, every available mega evolution stone, an old and rusted gym badge and some full heals.

Gratre POV
We were sitting on the beach, watching the sunset. It was a long day of work. We managed to get all required Tms for the strategies we wanted to use. We also got some potions, gym badges from destroyed gyms, some pokeballs and pictures of people who used to live in this wasteland of a region.
"Let's hear north to see the lord and his friends. They might be waiting for us." I suggested to Torcunzo and Bioloi. We started slowly making our way up north, passing by a few locations and even the cave that held Hoopa at one point. To think that there were so many pokemon, legendary, mythical or regular, living in this region before it was destroyed was amazing. I wish I was there to see it all. Eventually, we came to the remains of a crashed city that was once in the sky. We decided to explore the place for a little bit. We entered the sewer system as we were all curious as to where it went. It all seemed to just clog up in thr one place. We soon heard footsteps from up above. The lord was above us. I told the others about it and we started making our way out of the sewers to meet back up with the lord.

No one POV
Gratre, Torcunzo and Bioloi managed to leave the sewers and started catching up to Arcmew, Gorochu and Greninja. Once they caught up, they started having a conversation with Arcmew.
"When shall we begin the training my lord?" Gratre asked.
"We shall start now if you wish." Arcmew answered.
"Ok, but buzz what are the buzz training buzz exercises going to buzz be?" Torcunzo asked.
"Are we going to do battles, try the strategies, use the tm moves and practice them or something else?" Bioloi asked aswell.
"We will be doing triple battles so we can do our strategies but also so we can practive our moves and attacks. We will have it be me, Greninja and Gorochu versus you three." Arcmew answered.

Battles begin (triple battle)  
Arcmew, Greninja and Gorochu VS Gratre, Torcunzo and Bioloi.
Arcmew used the life plates to become Dragon/Fairy type!
Arcmew used Dragon Dance! Arcmew's attack and speed rose!
Graninja used Water Shuriken on Bioloi! Critical hit!
Bioloi held on with focus sash.
Gorochu used Thunder on Gratre!
Gratre used Frenzy Plant on Greninja! Super effective!
Torcunzo used Thunderwave on Arcmew!
Bioloi used endeavour on Gorochu!
Bioloi used Quick Attack!
Gorochu fainted!
Arcmew used Swift!
Bioloi fainted!
Greninja used Water Pulse on Torcunzo!
Gratre used Safeguard!
Torcunzo used Thunderbolt on Greninja!
Arcmew is paralised, it can't move!
Greninja used Cut on Gratre!
Gratre used Ember on Torcunzo! Super effective!
Torcunzo used Counter on Greninja!
Greninja fainted!
Arcmew used Swift!
Torcunzo fainted!
Gratre fainted!
Arcmew, Gorochu and Greninja won!

A few hours of training later and a few hours before the tournament
"Damn, that training was intense. Anyways, we have about 10 hours left before the tournamnet starts. Let's return to the bedroom Mewtwo decided to give to us." Arcmew said as the group headed to the bedroom.
Once they got there, Arcmew returned everybody to their pokeballs and he went to sleep. Little did he know that a few certain people were watching.
"Why is a pokemon allowed into the competition?! Isn't that against the rules?!" Misty shouted/whispered.
"He is technically half human from what I heard. But remember to stay quiet. We all do not want to go back to the H-balls." Brock whispered as they all tip-toed into the room. They saw Arcmew sleeping on his bed with his pokeballs beside him.
"One of these pokeballs must be his. If we take his pokeball, we can command him to do our bidding." Max whispered evilly. Arcmew was able to still hear them even in his sleep so he sent a telepathic message.
"I HEARD THAT! And also, those pokeballs are for my team. My pokeball is in the hall of origins with Arceus."
"Then we will just take the pokemon. That pokemon that you used must of been super powerful and it has to be in one of these pokeballs." Max said as he opened Gratre's pokeball.
"Wh-what pokemon is that?!" Everyone yelled.
Arcmew finally decided to wake up. "That is Gratre, one of the 95 pokemon I ever created. It is from the Tayonis region and it is a mythical pokemon. It is also water, grass and fire type. It is super strong, so don't mess with me nor him nor the rest of my team ever again. You all should sign up for the tournament if you wish to humiliate me." Arcmew told everyone. The group scurried away to sign up for the tournament in a few hours whilst Arcmew told Mewtwo about the situation.
"Well then, you can kick their sorry buts and I will return them to their H-balls. Also, I will be in a human form during the tournament." Mewtwo said.
"Yeah, you're right. Maybe you can use the same team you used during our battle against the winner of the tournament to give them a final challenge." Arcmew suggested.
"I already planned that. I will also reveal myself and defeat the winner." Mewtwo said. They kept on talking to eachother for a few more minutes before going to sleep.
As the journey continues.

-This is my second final chapter for the story. I am getting writers block during this and I don't really have a plan for after the tournament. Anyways, this may be the most popular story I ever make. See you all soon in chapter 12, the end of the journey and the final goodbyes.

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