The world meets Arcmew (ch3)

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"You can answer questions later everyone, for now we shall show the world Arcmew and we will also create a pokedex entry for him." Arcok the Arceus said. He turned to Arcmew, "And also Arcmew, we will have to capture you in a pokeball to make sure you cant be caught by any trainers." A new type of pokeball appeared in front of Arcmew. It was white with a picture of Arcok's ring on the top. Arcmew pressed the button and got sucked into it.

Arcmew POV
I got sucked into the pokeball. I, Zak, was controlling our form so I could experience what it was like in a pokeball first. The world became a bright white and blue and as it faded, there wasnt all that much stuff in here. In the pokeball there was a comfy bed, a golden fridge, a healing station, a battle field, some gym equipment so we can stay fit and a portal like machine, probably so other pokemon in pokeballs can visit. I looked up and I saw another portal forming above me. When I got sucked into it, the world became a bright white again, then it faded as I was outside the pokeball and in the hall of origins. 'Well, that was exciting! I never knew it was like that inside a pokeball! But why doesnt pikachu like it in there?' Ash said from within the mind of their form.
"I dont know." I answered. "Also, do you know where Pikachu even is? We havent seen him since we talked in the dream universe."
'Knowing him, he is probably eating some ketchup right now, so we should head over to the eating place. Speaking of food, I feel hungry!' Ash said.
"The reason we are hungry all the time is because we need the nutrients for both of us in order to survive." I explained.
'Ok then. Lets hurry and find pikachu!' Ash said.

Pikachu POV
It feels rough right now. Ash is actually 2 people in one and he is also half pokemon! He doesnt even spend time with me anymore. He is probably off training with his friend. I dont even want ketchup right now. "I wish I could become extremely strong to punish those traitors! If they didnt betray Ash, I could still hang out with him!" I shouted to myself.
"Wish granted!" Jirachi said as she came up next to me. She tapped my forehead and I began to evolve! In a few seconds, I became a Raichu! But it didnt stop there, I evolved again! How is this even possible?!
"Now, you are a lovely Gorochu! I will send back down to earth as soon as you are ready!" Jirachi excitedly said as I finished evolving again. It is time to punish those traitors, but I should say bye to Ash first.

 It is time to punish those traitors, but I should say bye to Ash first

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Nobody POVArcmew walked over to where they remember the food area was to find pikachu, but they didnt know that he evolved into Gorochu

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Nobody POV
Arcmew walked over to where they remember the food area was to find pikachu, but they didnt know that he evolved into Gorochu.
"Zak, what will we do when we get back on earth? How can we even see our friends again like this?" Ash asked Zak.
'Remember, your friends betrayed you and for being an Arcmew, you dont have to worry about that because I can turn us into our human form. Speaking of which, you should learn the move transform as soon as possible.' Zak replied from the mind.
Arcmew ran over to the sauce area of the kitchen, expecting to find pikachu there. All they saw was a tail entering a portal made from one of Hoopa's rings. They ran up to the ring and looked through. They saw all of the traitors making a plan to locate and kill Ash! Zak took control of the body and went through the portal, after all he had the most experience with being an Arcmew. When they were on the other side, they saw all of the traitors shocked and scared by a creature there. Nobody knew what it was.
"Hello, who are you?" Zak asked.
"Goro gorochu chu chu goro gorgoro cho chu gochu! (It is me, pikachu, a made a wish near Jirachi on accident and she turned me into a Gorochu! It is the evolved form of Raichu!)" Gorochu answered.
Ash took control of the body and asked, "Pikachu, you evolved not once but twice? Just to get revenge on the traitors?"
"Gorochu!(correct!)" Gorochu answered.
"May I interrupt, but who are you pokemon and why have we never heard of your species before?" Asked Max.
"I am Arcmew/I am Arcmew." Ash and Zak answered in pokespeech and english. "I remember who you traitors are and the other pokemon below me is Gorochu, the evolved form of Raichu. Together we will get revenge!" Ash shouted.
"ASH?!" The traitors all shouted.
"Yes that is me. Turns out, I am a legendary pokemon. First and only of its kind. Now prepare to fight!" Ash said.

Vs Brock
Ash/Zak (Arcmew) and Gorochu vs Onix and geodude!
Arcmew flew behind geodude and used psycho cut! "Take this!" The purple slash flew from Arcmew's paws at a high speed and slammed into the geodude, sending it flying into a nearby tree.
Gorochu used Electric Iron Slam! Gorochu's tail glowed silver then it got surrounded be electricity as he charged it up. He ran towards then behind Onix, slamming his tail into the rock snake pokemon, sending it flying into a nearby boulder.
Geodude got off of the tree and used Rollout! He rolled at high speeds towards Gorochu, slamming the foe as hard a he could! Gorochu didnt even flinch!
Onix used rock throw from the boulder. Ash used protect as the last second, sending the attack back to onix and geodude, defeating them.

The recording
Gary Oak was watching the battle with great interest as he learnt more about Ash the Arcmew. He was recording the whole battle live on Poketube! Millions of people around the world went onto poketube and they saw the famous Gary Oak with a new live stream! He had found a new legendary. Everyone was excited! Meanwhile Gary was waiting for the right time to use a Pokeball. After the battle, he threw the pokeball and...

Sorry about leaving the story on a cliff hanger. Gorochu was going to be the original evolution for Raichu before they scrapped it and made pichu, the pre evolution of pikachu. Also, the multiverse fusion project has been put on hold because someone is sabotaging us. Anyways, when this document reaches 5 chspters, I will make a fake story. Bye! :)

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