The tournament battles and the Goodbyes

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It was about to begin. The tournament that everyone has been waiting for. Arcmew has been preparing for this. They will not lose.
The battles were being randomized as they wait. The first round came up. It was a 3v3 singles battle.

"Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town VS Brock of Pewter City!
Battle begin!"
Ash Ketchum, the Arcmew, took his place on the side of the battle field. Brock took to his place.
Ash sent out Greninja!
Brock sent out Golem!
Greninja stared into Golem's eyes, intimidating him. Golem became a little scared to attack, so his attack dropped.
"Greninja, let's defeat them our way!
From the flowing rivers throughout the world, the gigantic oceans between the land, fuse together to create an unstoppable force!
Greninja, MEGA EVOLVE!"
Greninja mega evolved into his mega form. Ash started telling Greninja what to do via telepathy.
'Use Cut from above, if you hit the crack above the head, it should deal more damage.'
Greninja did exactly that, even adding a little WaterPulse in there for good measure.
Golem fainted instantly due to Brock not training it enough.
Brock stared in shock at what happened. "Wh-whaat? How did you do that?! I fed my Golem 68 rare candies! He should be unstoppable!" Brock shouted.
"Heh, you would think that, but those don't actually help. They only raise the stats, not the pokemon's true stength and power." Ash replied to Brock as Brock sent out his Steelix.
"Steelix, use BodySlam!" Brock shouted.
Steelix leaped up into the air and came crashing down to Greninja, who used double team to dodge. Steelix ook massive damage.
"Greninja, use the aqua strategy." Ash commanded.
Greninja started by using Bubble to distract Steelix, before using WaterShuriken to hold Steelix in place. Greninja used AquaJet over and over again until Steelix finally fainted.
Brock got extrememly mad. "Why you! FINE! I guess I will have to use my secret weapon. Go Aerodactyl!"
Aerodactyl was sent out of its pokeball, it began to fly around the area.
"Aerodactyl, let's do this!
From the rocks of the Valley to the boulders of the Mountains. Create the Pillar of Destruction!
Aerodactyl, MEGA EVOLVE!" Brock yelled.
Aerodactyl mega evolved and looked angrier than ever. It started attacking without commands from Brock.
"Greninja, finish him off with HydroPump." Ash said calmly.
Greninja finsihed off the Aerodactyl, making it fall to the ground.
Brock returned the Aerodactyl to its pokeball, accepting defeat.
Ash won!

Mewtwo saw Ash win and decided to do his plan. He waited until Brock got into the corridors, away from the crowds, and he used a H-ball. Brock was sent into the pokeball and after 3 shakes, Brock was captured. Mewtwo decided to put the H-ball into a safe and so, he did. Brock would never see the light of day until the pokemorph war. But that is a story for another time. Mewtwo returned to his seat as he continued to watch the rest of the battles in the tournament.
After 5 hours worth of battles, it was finally the second round. This time, it was 4v4 double battles.

"Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town Versus Misty, the gym leader of Cerulean City!
Battle Begin!"
Ash sent out Greninja like before, but wince this was a double battle, he had to send out Gorochu.
The audience had gasps of shock and wonder as they all pulled out their pokedexes. They all came up with no data. Fortunately, Mewtwo set up Gorochu's pokedex entry on the video screen.
Misty sent out her Staryu and Starmie to take out the enemy pokemon.
"Gorochu use ThunderBolt! Greninja, use Cut!" Ash and Zak commanded their pokemon.
Gorochu leaped up into the air, even using his tail to climb up Greninja for more height, and
Gorochu let loose a ThunderBolt that many would mistake for a Zapdos using ThunderShock!
Starmie instantly fainted from the attack, Staryu also fainted after Greninja used Cut!
Misty got mad and she sent out her next (and final) two pokemon, Golduck and Gyrados!
"Golduck, use protect on both you and Gyrados.
Gyrados, it is time.
From the weakest of the weak to the might of a god, fly your power up into the unknown.
Gyrados, MEGA EVOLVE!" Misty shouted
Gyrados mega evolved into its mega form as Golduck set up the defence.
"Now use AquaJet!" Misty commanded.
Gyrados covered itself with water as it charged straight for Gorochu.
"Gorochu, use ThunderWhip! Greninja, use WaterShuriken to break the defence!" Ash commanded.
Gorochu used his move as Greninja broke the barrier, the result was Gorochu's attack hitting both of the enemy pokemon and making them both faint.
Ash (and Zak) were the winners!

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