Arcmew revealed (ch2)

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It was sleep time in hall of origins and Zak was wondering if he should talk to Ash about the whole situation.
"If he wakes up now, he will be really confused. It is hard having the brain of a 23 year old yet being phisically 10!" Zak said to no one. He decided to talk to Ash, after all he needs an explanation. Zak fell asleep in his comfy golden and white bed as he entered the 2nd universe, the dream universe. He woke up near Ash who was trying to find food.
"Hello Ash, it is I, Zak! I am here to give you an explanation about anything and everything." Zak said.
Ash was confused at first, but answered asked questions anyways, "Ok, first off, are we 2 completely different entitys or are we technically the same person. Secondly, are you able to control my body when i am asleep or unconcious. Thirdly, are we able to switch into 2 diferent forms and finally, what is it like to not be in control of the body but only just sitting there watching?"
Zak answered, "we are technically the same person due to the fusion, yes I am able to control your unconcious body, yes we can turn into a human form and our Arcmew form and finally, it is like watching a movie,It is actually pretty comfy."
"Ok, also one more thing, where are we?" Ash asked.
"We are in the second ever universe, the dream universe. Every dream that has ever happened has happened. Also, we should wake up, its 7:14 back in universe 10000, our universe." Zak answered.
"Ok" Ash said.

Zak PoV
I woke up in control of the body that I and Ash both live in. We are in our Arcmew form. It is half Arceus, half Mew.
'Well, I guess this was your true form, I mean our true form.' Ash said In their mind.
"Correct, and since we are one creature, you can take control of the body, just focus on moving and you will be able to take back control." I said.
Ash focused hard as he could. I think? It was hard to tell since I couldnt see him. Nobody could actually see him since he is currently in our mind. Suddenly, I was unable to move, Ash has taken back control.
"Also, by the way, how old are you?" Ash asked
'I am 23 years old. Before my universe, number 1, got destroyed I was 12 years old. I wondered through dimensions and I found Mew when I was 15. Now here we are 8 years later. Also, we will have to go to 'special' meetings. Not ones about this world. They will take place somewhere else although I wont tell you.' I said.
"Ok, I really hope we can see it though!" Ash said excitedly.
We ran out of the room, after switching to our human form, and decided to have a look around.
"And what do you think your doing?" Asked a voice that I could hear because I am inside the brain, yet Ash controls the movements.
'I am having a look around, also there are 2 of us that live in this one body so you're talking to me, Zak.' I answered.
"Ok, But if you're looking for Arceus then follow me." Mewtwo said as he read their minds..

Nobody POV
'Ash, we should find Arceus to get more knowledge about this whole situation, about your betrayal, me, and more! So follow Mewtwo, he is to your left.' Zak told Ash.
"Ok, Mewtwo, I will follow you to Arceus. Zak told me what you asked him and if we would follow you to Arceus so we will." Ash said.
"Ok, Arceus isnt far away so follow me. Also, I will speak to you using my normal voice because telepathy only reaches one of you." Mewtwo said.
Ash and Zak followed Mewtwo through the hall of origins. There were lots of rooms everywhere with sleeping legendaries in them. The legendaries that were awak stared at Ash and Zak for a second then got back to what they were doing before. Eventually, they found Arceus who was leaving the dining hall.
"Well, I better go." Mewtwo said as he flew off. Leaving only Ash, Zak and Arceus in the hallway.
"I know what you are going to say and ask, but before that can I show you to the other legendaries. They need to know about a brand new legendary, then you can ask me questions then Ash, you will need to train in the Arcmew form. Zak has already trained in the form for years so you need to learn as well." Arceus said.
"Ok Arceus/Ok Arceus." Ash and Zak said at the same time.
"Please, call me Arcok. And also, you two will be called either Arcmew A or Arcmew Z depending on who is in control. We can tell the difference because the eye colour changes and we can feel a shift in aura." Arcok said.
As Arcmew followed Arcok through a diferent hallway and into the meeting room. Arcok started shouting telepathically "All legendaries to the meeting room. I have a special announcement"
In minutes, everybody was in the meeting room. Everybody except Arceus was staring at Arcmew.
"I called you all here today to tell you about a brand new legendary pokemon. Arcmew Z, show them your other form." Arcok said.
Zak took control of the body and used transform to go into their Arcmew form.
The meeting room was filled with shocked legendaries and silence. They were wondering. How could the boy that they all met have been a legendary pokemon? Some were scared because they were a little rude or mean to the boy. Mewtwo and Mew gulped. They let Ash die before. Mewtwo once. Mew was twice.
"So... should we ask some questions?" Lugia asked.

-979 words. Not bad for documenting. Arcmew is going to become god of your universe (number 6509) because the old god is dying. Anyways, the multiverse is completely stabalized and project fusion is 94% completed. Although, we have encountered a 'minor' setback. Anyways, see you guys soon.

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