Tournamnet PT1 (Ch9)

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"You two better give a good explanation for that battle or else I will beat you up worse that Soheil did." Mewtwo shouted at us.
"Who is Soheil?" Ash asked. All I did was mentally face palm as I am not in control.
'Really Ash, really?' I said.
"Soheil was that other Mewtwo that you two children attacked!" Mewtwo shouted getting angrier. "He is in his own world protecting it from the other pokemon that could destroy it!" Mewtwo shouted as his eyes turned blue and we got sent flying into the sky, destroying the roof of the building in the process.
Mewtwo teleported up to us and held us in place with psychic.
I took control and answered as Ash would of gotten us killed.
"Me and Ash thought that Soheil was trying to kill the pokemon for an evil team." I answered. I gulped as I awaited Mewtwo's reaction.
"Ok, I see now. I will tell Soheil about this and by the way, a tournament is being held here in new island to see who will be crowned Pokemon Master. You two can get prepared as I have already registered you in the list of competitors." Mewtwo told us as he flew away.
"Well, Ash, that was close. We could of gotten killed there. Anyways, as a tournament is happening soon, we should prepare a balanced team with at least a decent movesest and we need a great strategy." I said as I flew back down to new island.
'Wait, how many pokemon have decided to stay with us again?' Ash asked.
"Uhhhh... I think only Gorochu stayed with us. Maybe Greninja still believes in us, after all, he still lives in kalos. So that is only electric, water and dark types in all. We need at least a grass type and a fire type pokemon to have a more balanced team. I think I know just the place." I said.
'And where is that?' Ash asked.
"It is the Tayonis region. All the pokemon there are so violent that none have been caught. Perhaps we could get the starter pokemon Rozy and we can evolve it into Thornza so we will have grass and steel type coverage." I replied. I teleported us out to what seemed like the middle of no-where. We were actually near the Tayonis region.
"One sec Ash, to enter the region, you need to say some specific words and a path will appear.
AKIJY TAZODI AZIKLAZU!" I said and just like that, the legendary pokemon, Aqsaura, appeared infront of
"Follow..." It said as it started flying towards the region.
After 28 minutes, we finally arrived at the mountainous region. The beaches were black and littered with charcoal. The mountains were all over the region and they reached past the clouds. There were a few areas near the lower points of the mountains where there was grass. As we reached the shallow waters, a rumbling sound could be heard. A pokemon was digging up to the surface, through the ground. Suddenly, a giant splash in water appeared as the final evolved form of the water starter appeared. Poizeel. Its body was thin but strong. It had two tails that can drill through anything. It had a giant pouch filled with poison near its tail. It was mainly blue except for the purple square pattern that repeated along its body. The eel pokemon was in a bad mood from the way it started hissing.
"Hssss Hisss Hissisisss HIS!" It shouted.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you speak a language different from other pokemon. I am sorry I made your species like that, but I was younger and I didn't know what I was doing." I told the Poizeel.
'Wait, did you create the region and all the pokemon in it?' Ash asked.
"Yes, I did create everything that exists here. The landscapes, the pokemom, the environment. It was my greatest creation. I am proud of it and I wish I made more than 95 different pokemon. My favourite ones are the legendary pokemon Aqsaura, who lead us here to the island, Poizeel as water was my favourite pokemon type at the time and finally, Hamcow. Hamcow was the first one I made. Water and grass type. It was strong. So strong that all our Tauros combined would not be enough to win. Anyways, let's find some pokemon to add to our team." I said, out of breath. I showed Ash the land scape and all the environments. I showed him one of my favourite psychic type pokemon that I created, Wadind, the psychic and flying type pokemon. It was a large, majestic bird that had purple, brown and silver feathers that all blended together nicely. The region was beautiful.

Gratre POV
It was just a normal day here in the Tayonis region. The mountains were still snowy and as dangerous as ever, the rivers flowed harsher than usual, the pokemon were still violent as ever, everything was alright. I flew up to my shrine on the giant hill at the center of the region. It was the best place to live. I looked out the window and I saw something surprising. Aqsaura was heading this way.
"What do you want, Aqsaura?" I asked.
"Creator...returned..." He replied
"You mean, Arcmew has returned after 3 years! This is amazing! I wonder if he has created any other regions?" I shouted.
"Esqu... forrest..." Aqsaura told me.
I teleported over to Esqu forest to look for Arcmew. It has been 3 years since anyone on this island has seen him. I looked around the forest and I finally found him. He was floating through the forest, admiring the view.
"Hello, my lord." I said in my real voice.
Arcmew turned around and was a little surprised to see me.
"Hello, Gratre. How long has it been? I think about 3 years, correct?" He asked.
"You are correct, my lord." I replied.
"I decided to come here to my region and find some of the pokemon I created to add to my team, also, here is the information and memories of my lifetime." Lord Arcmew told me as I began to see the memories that he had. I had all the information that he had. I only had one request.
"My lord, is it okay for me to join your pokemon team?" I asked.
"Ok, but we may need to train you abit for the battles." Lord Arcmew told me.
He threw a 'pokeball' at me and after 3 wobbles that I felt from the inside, the machine clicked and I knew I was caught. He let me back out of the pokeball and introduced me to his Gorochu. This will be a fun journey.

Torcunzo POV
Must buzz fix the buzz power generator. buzz It was not buzz easy being buzz one of the buzz only electric pokemon buzz on the island. buzz
"Torcunzo 3A, buzz search the left buzz side of the island. buzz Torcunzo 9B, search the right. buzz Torcunzo 5C and 6D, search buzz through the middle of buzz the island. We need to buzz fix the power generator. buzz" Torcunzo AAA commanded us.
I was Torcunzo buzz 6D. I was the most buzz relyable one out of buzz everyone.
I and my buzz friend, Bioloi, buzz decided to join buzz me on my buzz mission even though buzz he isn't the buzz same species as buzz me. I may of buzz been the cool buzz looking, 5 orbed buzz (small at the left and right but gets bigger until the center one which is biggest), eledtric and steel buzz pokemon but Bioloi buzz is literally 3 red buzz orbs with holes buzz for eyes and buzz a mouth stuck together buzz with smaller red buzz orbs. We headed down buzz until we reached buzz the shrine of Gratre. buzz We felt a round, buzz orb like object buzz hit the buzz back of both of buzz us as we got buzz sucked in. buzz The last thing we buzz saw before we buzz blacked out was buzz lord Arcmew. buzz

Arcmew POV
"And that makes number 5, plus me is 6! That is a full team of pokemon. So, Gorochu, you are the electric type. Gratre, you are the water, fire and grass type. Greninja fills the Dark type role. Torcunzo fills the steel type role. And finally, Bioloi fills the normal type role. I fill in any type I wish with the plates I have. Guys, it is time to train." I said to Ash, Gorochu and Gratre.
I returned Gorochu and Gratre to their pokeballs as I teleported to Kalos.
I somehow managed to teleport infront of Greninja. I quickly transformed into my human form. 1 quick conversation later and Greninja joined the team.
Now it was time to train before the tournament.

-One of the last chapters of story this is. Is depressing. Worry don't, stories more work. Now for Goodbye!

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