Revenge (ch4)

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Gary threw the pokeball and... it donked off of Arcmew's head and fell to the ground. Gary Oak was shocked to put it lightly. Someone has already caught the new legendary pokemon?! How was it possible?! Arcmew turned to look at Gary. It had anger in its eyes. It was considering what to do.
"Should I give all of you a torture treatment or something worse?" Arcmew asked.
"Can we please just live our normal lives without anything bad happening?" Tracy asked.
"NO! You all tried to kill me. Just because I lost the league. Even with all that training I did. It still wasnt enough. I have gone through thousands of battles and yet, I still failed! And you all tried to kill me for that! That is unforgiving! You shall all be punished one way or another. I will send you all to the hall of orgins until me and Arceus can figure out what to do with all of you." Arcmew said as it switched from Ash being in control, to Zak. The whole area glowed bright as Arcmew used all his power to transport everyone to the hall of origins, infront of the throne of Arceus.

Hall of origins
Arceus expected Arcmew to find and bring the traitors to the hall of origins to see what to do with them, but he had to go attend a 'special' meeting. Meanwhile Arcmew was wondering where Arceus was.
"He usually doesnt leave his throne unless it is eating time or he has to fix something bad in the world."
'Maybe he went to one of those 'special' meetings?' Zak asked.
"Perhaps. In that case then, we need to think of a punishment for them." Ash answered. "I got it! We can get Mewtwo to run experiments on them so humans know what it is like to be experimented on. We get revenge and Mewtwo gets to try something that humans did to him long ago. Its a win-win!" Ash shouted.
"Gorochu, please find Mewtwo. He needs to hear of my idea for a punishment to see if he agrees." Ash said.
"Ok Arcmew!" Gorochu replied.
5 minutes later, Mewtwo arrives.
"So, why am I required to be here?" Mewtwo asked.
"I had an idea for a punishment to give to the traitors that tried to kill me the other day and..." Ash proceeded to tell Mewtwo about the Idea. Mewtwo agreed.
"My first experiment, creating pokeballs that work on humans. Hahahahaha!" Mewtwo took the traitors through a portal and onto new Island to begin the experiments.
Arceus also returned through another portal.
"Arcmew, you are required to come with me to this special meeting. We dont have long. And Ash, you should let Zak handle this." Arceus said.

The meeting
Arcmew and Arceus went through the portal and arrived in a galaxy like room. There was one human om a giant throne at one end of the table. There were also other pokemon like Azelf, Regirock, Mewtwo and Tapu Bulu.
"Hello Arcmew. I have heard lots about you. We have called you here to discuss about your future as a god. The current god of universe 6509 is dying faster than ever and we need a replacement. And if you are wondering, there is only one other person from your universe here. We are all the same person but from diferent universes. Arcok, the Arceus comes from umiverse 6, the original pokemon universe that got destroyed. After he found an empty universe in the form of universe 10000, he made more life and another one of us was created millions of years later. Isnt that right Mewtwo?" The boss said.
"Correct, I went missing from the universe after I went to investigate an ultra wormhole. I was gone for ages. I was even turned into a human when I came through. I did go on a rampage after I learnt the truth, but I was quickly calmed down. Also, you may call me Jake instead of Mewtwo. Jake was my human name." Jake, the Mewtwo said.
"832938Arc8374883mew99383838twopeople848474839missingno49393938senses9999999." Missingno said.
"I am aware of that and the viewers are aware as well. Isnt that right? And also, dont question why I am staring off into a random direction. I am breaking the 4th wall." The boss said. "Anyways, I am aware about everything happening in universe 10000 as well as every other universe. Arcmew, you should get training and also Mewtwo will be your teacher. Also, my name is GPC goodbye." GPC said as everyone left.

First one on one
Mewtwo brought Arcmew back to their universe and to new island, where the traitors are currently being held in giant prisons.
"So Ash, we will teach you how to use psychic and psycho cut then we will battle." Mewtwo said.
Ash followed Jake's, the Mewtwo's, orders in how to use psychic. Focus on moving the object or focus in holding it whilst being far away. Ash managed to do it after a few tries and then it was time to learn psycho cut. Ash focused his energy into his right arm as Mewtwo told him to.
"Good, now focus on releasing the energy as you make a karate chop motion. I will get Alakazamtwo to continue teaching you whilst I drink a bottle of chocolate sauce." Jake said as he flew off to the kitchen. Arcmew focused harder and harder whilst Alakazamtwo taught him how to do it max power.
8 minutes later, Mewtwo arrives.
"Ready to battle?" Jake asked.
"Ready!" Ash answered.

Arcmew (Ash) Vs Mewtwo (Jake)
Ash used psychic! It was not very effective.
Jake used Aura sphere!
Ash used psycho cut! It was not very effective.
Jake used Aura sphere! "My Aura spheres will teach you how to dodge attacks." Critical hit!
Ash used Tackle!
Jake used Aura sphere! It missed! "Now you're getting the hang of it!"
Ash used psycho cut! Critical hit! It was not very effective!
Jake used psychic! "One part of battles is defeat. Learn more about defeat and you learn more about yourself. I will heal you up though."
Ash fainted!
Jake wins!

"Here you go Ash, you should feel better with this oran berry." Jake said. "You did good out there. You learnt alot. If I was my old self from way back when, I would of pushed you to your absolute limits. But, I have learnt how harsh life was. I was turned into a human a couple of years ago, so I know."
"Thanks Mewtwo." Ash said. It is time for a brand new chapter of Ash's life and the last few years of Zak being with them. So let the journey begin!

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