Tournament PT2 (Ch10)

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Arcmew POV
I knew what was going to happen soon. Soon I will have to leave and become a god of another universe. This tournament may be the last time I ever see Ash again. We were there together from an early age. We grew up together, learnt together, we even made so many friends. I will miss Ash once I have to leave. We may aswell train now as this might be the last time. I don't want to tell Ash this depressing news, not yet. We will only be together for a few more days...

It was time to start training. I let loose all the pokemon I and Zak had. They were Gorochu, Gratre, Torcunzo, Bioloi, Greninja and me and Zak as we are technically one pokemon. I noticed that we had alot of coverage with electric, fire, water, grass, steel, normal and dark but we need one more type to make the team more balanced.
"What type should I be to help the team?" I asked indirectly to Zak.
"Dragon type would give us some good coverage but since we are technically two pokemon, we can have a second type so I think a Dragon and Fairy type would be good coverage." Zak answered me.
I summoned the type plates and chose the two I want to use, Dragon and Fairy. I slelcted them and all the other plates disappeared as the two other plates started glowing. After the glowing died down, the plates were gone but my golden ring and my eye colour changed from gold and blue, resepctively, to a pink and brownish colour. I also had the knowledge of two more attacks. Dragon Claw and Fairy Wind. These moves aswell as the type we chose will help us in the tournament. All we had left now was to train.

No one POV
Arcmew went over to his pokemon as he started talking to them. He told Gorochu, Gratre, Torcunzo and Bioloi to do 2v2s to help them train. Arcmew also told Greninja that they were going to battle to train aswell. As Arcmew and Greninja went off to train on the battle field on new island, the others went off to the nearby caves to train. Torcunzo had trouble getting there with his 3 wheels on the 3 center orbs that made his body and his 2 outer orbs had no grip so he hept on slipping.
Bioloi managed to bounce there as he is just 3 dodgeballs connected by smaller dodgeballs.
Gorochu just simply ran over and jumped down, using his sharp tail as a hook to help him climb down.
Gratre had it the easiest as he just simply floated down, only accidentally hitting his two arms and 2 legs on his way down. 'It is nice having a body simmilar to that of a ditto, exceot with a more spherical head and more defined arms and legs.' Gratre thought.
The 4 pokemon got into teams of two and started battling.

Battle Begin
Gratre and Gorochu VS Bioloi and Torcunzo!
Gratre used Vine Whip on Torcunzo!
Gorochu used Thunder Whip on Bioloi!
Bioloi used Bounce!
Torcunzo used Ironhead on Gorochu!
Gratre used Flamethrower on Torcnzo! Super effective!
Gorochu used Volt Tackle on Bioloi!
Bioloi used bounce on Gratre!
Torcunzo used Mud Slap on Gorochu! Super effective!
Gratre used Water Pulse on Bioloi!
Gorochu used Quick Attack on Bioloi!
Bioloi used Tackle on Gratre!
Torcunzo used Thunder Wave on Gratre!
Gratre is paralised, it may not be able to move!
Gratre used Psybeam on Bioloi!
Gorochu used Agility!
Gorochu's speed rose sharply!
Bioloi used Take Down on Gratre!
Bioloi was damaged by recoil!
Torcunzo used Iron Defence!
Torcunzo's Defence rose!
Gratre is paralised, it can't move!
Gorochu used Agility!
Gorochu's speed rose sharply!
Bioloi used Tri Attack on Gorochu!
Torcunzo used Ironhead on Gorochu!
Gratre used Flamethrower on Bioloi!
Bioloi was bruned!
Gorochu used Quick Attack on Bioloi!
Bioloi used Take Down on Gratre!
Bioloi was damaged by recoil!
Torcunzo used Iron Defence!
Torcunzo's Defence rose!
Bioloi was hurt by burn!
Bioloi fainted!
Gratre leveled up to level 58!
Gorochu leveled up to level 83!
Gorochu used Thunder Whip!
Gratre used Vine Whip!
Torcunzo used Ironhead on Gratre!
Gorochu used Quick Attack!
Gratre is paralised, it can't move!
Torcunzo used Thunder Wave on Gorochu!
Gorochu is paralised, it may not be able to move!
Gorochu is paralised, it can't move!
Gratre is paralised, it can't move!
Torcunzo used Mud Slap on Gratre!
Gratre fainted!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 31!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 32!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 33!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 34!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 35!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 36!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 37!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 38!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 39!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 40!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 41!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 42!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 43!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 44!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 45!
Torcunzo leveled up to level 46!
Gorochu used Volt Tackle!
Torcunzo used Ironhead!
Gorochu used Thunder Whip!
Torcunzo used Mud Slap! Super effective!
Gorochu used Quick Attack!
Torcunzo Fainted!
Gorochu leveled up to level 84!
Gorochu wins!
Gorochu and Gratre are Victorious!

After the battle, the 4 pokemon had some oran berries and took some naps to recover. They had a chat about strategies, held items, etc and they found a good strategy.
"Since Bioloi is low enough level compared to the people that will join the tournament, according to Mewtwo, if we give a permanent use focus sash to him, teach him Endeavor and Quick Attack, then we can have Bioloi take out 1 enemy pokemon whilst the team mate can set up moves like Protect, Safeguard and also use healing moves like Life Dew. Bioloi will also have to learn protect in order to havr this strategy work well. Do we all agree with this?" Gorochu asked after his speech.
"Yes buzz" Everybody answered as they nodded their heads.
Gratre decided to learn Sing, Safeguard, Sword Dance, Iron Defence, Life Dew and Protect to help the strategy and he even found some leftovers that he can use to heal himself during battle. They had the perfect strategy. And since Gratre knew Psybeam, they had a chance to confuse the enemy pokemon!
They decided to start the special training tomorrow.

Meanwhile during Arcmew's and Greninja's battle
Arcmew used Dragon Dance!
Arcmew's Attack rose! Arcmew's Speed rose!
Greninja used Water Shuriken! Critical hit!
Arcmew used Thunderbolt! Super effective!
Greninja used Dark Pulse!
Arcmew used Fairy Wind!
Greninja dodged the attack with Double Team!
Arcmew used Dragon Claw!
Greninja dodged and fought back with Shadow Ball!
Arcmew teleported away to dodge it!
Greninja used Cut!
Arcmew used Psycho Cut!
It had no effect on Greninja!
Greninja used Water Pulse!
Arcmew dodged the oncoming attack!
Arcmew fought back hard with a Thunder! It was super effective!
Greninja decided to use his secret move, Ice Beam! It was very effective! (Super = x2, very = x4)
Arcmew used Rock Smash! Critical hit!
Greninja used Cut!
Arcmew used Hyper Beam at the same time Greninja used Ice Beam!
The attacks collided and started pushing against eachother!
Arcmew's Hyper Beam was stronger so it ripped through Greninja's Ice Beam and Greninja fainted from the attack!
Arcmew was Victorious!

Arcmew teleported over to his island that he created to grab some oran berries to heal Greninja. The berries were half as effective as regular ones but they still healed pokemon. Arcmew grabbed 40 Oran berries to heal 200 health points for him and Greninja. By the time Arcmew got back, Greninja woke up.
"You were very strong during that battle. I knew you would be hard to beat since you chose Dragon and Fairy typing. You become resistant to many things, immune to dragon but become weak to attacks like my Ice Beam." Greninja told Arcmew as they both began to eat the berries. Arcmew grabbed his pokedex from his pocket dimension he learnt to create and he looked at what level he and Greninja were at.
"Greninja, the ninja frog pokemon. This pokemon is at level 73.
Pokemon unknown, estimated level is 56." The pokedex told Arcmew and Greninja.
"Well, that is good news. We are at very high levels and we can always improve with more battles. Let's go and have a look at what the others are doing." Arcmew said.
Arcmew and Greninja headed over to the path leading to the caves and they met up with the others.
The others told Arcmew about the strategy and where to find the focus sash required. They were getting ready for the tournament, and it would be good to create more strategies as all the battles will be double battles. Arcmew got a good idea for a strategy, one pokemon will learn the move Counter and set up attack boost on the first turn and the other pokemon will use a move like Safe Guard and on the second turn, the other pokemon will attack the first pokemon who will use counter on one of the enemy pokemon to deal lots of damage.
They were set up with some good strategies for now, but with the tournament on the horizons, they need to finish training soon.

-How good was this chapter? Took 2 days to plan and make. Also, feel free to comment other strategies I can try to put into the story. In my opinion, the second strategy I thought of would work better if both pokemon held leftovers so they can heal during battle. Anyways, thanks for over 350 reads! I never expected so many also, I have not checked how many reads in a while so kt may be more. See you guys in Chapter 11, the move learning and item gathering chapter, featuring the region of Roria!

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