United and Betrayed again (ch6)

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Ygun POV
I may be stripped of my powers for doing this but I dont want to lose him again. I only knew of one team. One person who could help me. Mikey from team sky. I will hire them to capture Arcmew so I can use his powers and I can fuse myself with my best friend. It is worth a shot. Now to head to the pokemon talk studio.

No one POV
Ygun crashed through the roof of the studio. He looked around frantically for Mikey. He was trying to sneak out the building.
Then, Squirtle got angry. "Why the Arkoos damned @%#$ did you break some of our studio?! It cost us 89000 poke dollars! Who on earth do you think you are?!" Squirtle shouted.
"I apologise. I am Ygun. The 2nd god of the multiverse. I came here to request something from Mikey of team sky. I need him to locate and capture Arcmew for me. Dont even question me. Just. Do. It." Ygun said. He ran as fast as he could to catch up to Mikey and he was just barely in time.
"Mikey of team sky, I request something from you." Ygun said.
Mikey turned around and saw Ygun. "Who are you and what do you need from me?" Mikey asked.
"I am Ygun, the 2nd god of the multiverse. I require you to hunt down and capture Arcmew for me. Here is his picture." Ygun said as he showed Mikey the picture.

"Ok Ygun, I will capture him for you and we shall meet back here when I captured him

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"Ok Ygun, I will capture him for you and we shall meet back here when I captured him. So you better get comfy." Mikey told Ygun. Mikey then released Rayquaza out of its pokeball and they flew away.

Arcmew was done making the base for the island, all he needs to do now is to get some soil, sand and plants onto the island. He heard a noise in the distance before he could decide what to do with his island.
"Ash, wake up. There are intruders nearby. They are in a Helicopter and I can hear some nets being ripped. They are almost here!" Arcmew (Zak) shouted.
Ash woke up confused. 'What the who to the what now?' Ash said. He started hearing it as well. He knew that it would be an evil team most likely because helicopters don't fly in this area of the world. 'Zak, transform into something that has 2 heads so I can see and hear everything better.' Ash told Zak.
"Ok Ash." Zak said as he transformed into a Magneton.
Ash could see everything better and hear more. His suspicions were confirmed. He saw a helicopter up in the sky and a net being launched down towards him.
"Electro ball!" Zak and Ash said as they charged up and launched the attack at the net.
"Oh really then? If you wanna do that then I guess that I will have to use my secret weapon!" Mikey said as he dumped out a whole bucket of sleep powder and stun spore attacks down onto Arcmew. Arcmew fell asleep and he got captured by team sky.

1 hour later
"Did you capture him?" Ygun asked.
"Yes, I did. It wasn't even hard." Mikey answered.
"Good, only he has the power to allow me to be reunited with my friend from all those years ago." Ygun said.
Mikey grabbed Arcmew from Rayquaza's back and handed it to Ygun.
"Do as you wish with him. I will continue seeing how far project Ozone has come. Goodbye." Mikey said as he jumped onto Rayquaza's back and flew off into the horizon.
"Now, I shall have my wish come true!" Ygun said as he laughed an evil villian laugh. "Damn, I am really becoming a bad guy. I even did an evil laugh. But this will be for my best friend." Ygun said as Arcmew woke up.
"Where am I?" Arcmew asked as he looked up. "Ygun? Why are you here? Last thing I remembered was falling asleep due to a sleep powder attack. Did you come to rescue me?" Arcmew asked.
"Unfortunately, no. I asked Mikey, the leader of team sky, to capture you so I can be reunited with my best friend." Ygun answered.
"So, you're betraying all of us and using me as some sort of tool?" Arcmew asked.
"Yes, I may be betraying you but I want to be with my best friend forever. I require you because you are the only one who can complete my wish." Ygun said.
"No way, I aint gonna do what you want not without a fight! You are betraying all of us. You are willing to sacrafice EVERYTHING! I can not allow that!" Arcmew said.

Battle begin
Arcmew (Zak) VS Ygun
Arcmew used psycho cut! Ygun dodged by jumping up and to the left.
Ygun used Ice beam! The beam hit Arcmew and froze his solid.
Arcmew is frozen solid.
Ygun used Thunder! The electric attack shattered the ice that contained Arcmew and paralised it.
Arcmew used psychic! Ygun was thrown into the ground!
Ygun used Flame Thrower! The fire attack hit Arcmew with a critical hit!
Arcmew used Metronome! Arcmew used Flare Blitz! It was super effective!
Ygun used Flash cannon! Arcmew dodged the attack by ducking downwards.
Arcmew used confuse ray! It missed!
Ygun used Ice beam! The beam of ice hit Arcmew hard, sending him falling into the ground.
Arcmew used Judgement! The attack hit Ygun with a critical hit!
Ygun used Thunder! The attack shocked Arcmew into paralasis!
Arcmew is paralyzed, it cant move!
Ygun used Ycannon! A cannon appeared infront of Ygun and it launched silver orbs straight into Arcmew!
Arcmew fainted! Ygun wins!

"I win all the time. That was a little difficult but not that hard. Now, I need to extract Arcmew's powers so I can see him again." Ygun said as he started to drag Arcmew to a giant circular machine. At around this time, Ash woke up, so now he can battle instead of Zak.
"You. Shall. Not. Win!" Ash said as his eyes changed from a gentle blue to a blood red colour. His form changed from his Arcmew form to a brand new one. It looked like arcmew except it had 6 tenticles with red spikes at the end of them coming from his back. His eyes were blood red and filled with anger. His white body turned from a majestic white to a demon black and red. He was consumed with anger.
"I would say something bad here but we need kids to be able to read this so im just gonna say, OH DISTORTION WORLD NO! WHAT HAVE I JUST UNLEASHED?!" Ygun shouted to himself as Arcmew rose from the ground. He was hungry for blood.

Battle 2
Ygun VS Arcmew (Ash?)
Ygun used Hypnosis! The particles missed as Arcmew teleported behind him.
Arcmew used... Judgement claw? A claw with the colour of judgement appeared infront of ash and it launched like judgement, but it also slashed across Ygun's wooden neck, causing it to snap in half.
Ygun gasped in shock and sadness. He was filled with jealousy because he wanted to see and be with his best friend again. But now, he will never see him again. Ygun... has perished.
Arcmew won...

Ygun took his last breath as he said his final words. "It is what you do with the gift of life that truly make you who you are-" Ygun gasped as he finally died. Arcmew was still filled with anger. Neither Ash nor Zak were in control of their form. There was another entity with them. It was the embodiment of their negative traits. Ash's anger, jealousy, lies, deception, and overconfidence. It also was Zak's depression, sadness, guilt, anger, madness, dissapointment, deception and evilness. Those emotions and bad traits made a brand new entity alltogether. Stronger than GPC. It was given one name. H5ls810. It was created because of Ygun and it was out for blood. It had to get rid of the other 2 entitys as only 1 shall live.
As the journey continues

-sorry for the dark twist, after what H5ls810 does, we have to rebuild/restart the multiverse from scratch.  Everything will be the same except for one thing. Only 1 universe shall exist and only 1 planet shall sustain life. Next chapter is the battle of Ash and Zak vs H5ls810. See you then! :) (Also, btw, Ygun died but he was brought back to life and he lived happily with his best friend after leaening his lesson.)

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