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Calum POV

*One Year Prior*

"Just go say hi." Luke shoved me towards the new girl.

Today was her first day, and she didn't have any friends, yet. She was in most of my classes, but she didn't talk... at all. I had to go to the library to get a book for my History class, and she happened to be here, too.

She was beautiful. She had long blond hair and light blue eyes. She moved here from America, or at least that was what the rumors were saying.

"You go say hi," I retorted, shoving Luke, back.

"I'm not the one that has a crush on her," Luke reminded me, although I didn't believe him. How could you not have a crush on somebody that pretty?

"It's her first day, I can't just-"

"Yes, you can," Michael interrupted me. "Tell her you're in a band," He whisper-shouted, (since we were in a library) and pushed me towards her. Except, he pushed me so hard, I crashed into her, and fell to the ground, along with all the books in her arms. I heard a loud gasp escape her lips, and I rose to my feet.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized, while helping pick up the books that had scattered all over the ground, at our sudden collision.

"Don't worry about it," she mumbled, as she picked up the last book.

"That's a lot of books... I'm assuming you like to read?" I asked, before she had a chance to walk away.

She shook her head 'no', and avoided eye contact.

"Hey, me neither! We have a lot in common!" I suddenly became excited. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me.

"What do you mean?" She whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"We both don't like to read..." I trailed off, trying to think of things. "We both live in Sydney, we're both in the same school," I was counting them on my fingers. "We are both standing in a library right now... we both breathe oxygen," I stated, earning a small laugh from her. "And we both know that you are new here."

She laughed, shook her head, then left, leaving me confused. Michael and Luke started q walking to me, laughing loudly, causing them to get a stern look from the librarian.

They were still giggling, by the time they got over to me. Luke put his hand on my shoulder, and tried to keep a straight face.

"Who taught you how to hit on girls, mate?" Luke asked, as Michael stifled an other laugh.

"Did I say something wrong?" I desperately asked.

"We're both standing in a library? Really, Calum?" Michael didn't even try to hold in his laughter, this time. His laughter caused Luke to laugh, too. I didn't find anything funny, though. And we ended up getting kicked out, because my two idiot best friends couldn't contain themselves.

However, I was set on trying to get this new girl to talk to me... or at least tell me her name.


*Present Time*

"Hello," I mumbled into the phone, still half asleep.

"Is this Mr. Smith?" A woman's voice politely asked.

In my sleepy state, I had no idea what she was talking about. I was just about to tell her she had the wrong number, when my brain finally registered what she was talking about. I sat straight up, and almost dropped my phone in the process of jumping out of the bed.

"Speaking," I tried to sound calm, despite my heart rapidly beating.

"Hello, Mr. Smith. My name is Grace, I was assigned to be Ava's nurse. I'm so sorry for calling so early, but I have some news for you, regarding Ava."

"Yes?" I anxiously waited for her to carry on.

"I found her awake, this morning."

Yeah this chapter sucks. But let's hear the applause for cute little fetus Calum in the media section awe awe awe. Sorry it's freaking short but whatever

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