Formal Invitation

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*One Year Prior*

"So what made you want to move to Sydney?" The Asian looking guy, that I had met at the library yesterday, asked, as he sat down next to me.

"Family," I bashfully whispered.

"Oh you have family that lives down here?" He curiously asked, and I shook my head 'no'. "I'm confused, now."

"I'm in foster care," I informed him.

"Oh," he quietly spoke, before taking his eyes off of me, and focusing them on his wrinkled, brown lunch sack. He opened it up, and pulled out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, then looked at the one sitting in front of me.
"Told you we have a lot in common," he said, gesturing to my bland PB & J sandwich. I nodded my head, as his eyes trailed to my drink. "Except, I don't have a juice box," he said, trying to stifle a laugh.

"I don't care how old I am, I will never stop drinking juice boxes," I joke with a small laugh.

"I'm Calum, by the way." He smiled (an adorable smile, by the way,) and stretched his arm across the table, to shake my hand, which I shyly obliged.

"Ava." I smiled back, although, mine wasn't nearly as captivating and breathtaking as his.

"Did you ask her yet?" Some random guy, with shaggy blond hair, asked Calum, as he sat down next to him.

"I was getting to that," Calum muttered, as he glared at the guy, that I had assumed was his friend.

"Did he do it?" An other guy with lighter blond hair asked, sitting next to me.

"He's too chicken," the first guy said, before all eyes focused on me.

Me, being the shy person I was, began to blush and feel really uncomfortable.

"I'm gonna go," I mumbled, and stood from my seat at the previously empty (besides me) lunch table.

"You haven't even taken a bite of your sandwich," Calum stated.

"See you around," I said.

As I made my way out of the lunchroom, I heard loud footsteps trailing behind me. I turned around to see Calum running to catch up with me.

"Hey," he spoke out of breath, as he stopped next to me.

"Hi," I whispered, looking at my feet.

"You're a really shy person."

"So I've been told."

"Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to come to a party with me, but I guess that wouldn't really work." His eyebrows were knitted together in disappointment.

"Well, are you going to be there?" I asked, with a sudden burst of confidence, that came out of nowhere.

"Obviously, if I was going to ask you to come with me," he laughed.

"If I say yes, do you promise you won't leave me alone?"

"I swear on my life," he promised, drawing an imaginary x over his heart.

"I guess it wouldn't be that bad, if I went."

"Really?" He asked, with a surprised grin.

"Well, you seem a lot more cool than my foster parents."

"Thank you?" He smiled.

"Is it your party?"

"No, I actually have no idea who's party it is," he laughed. "You don't need a formal invitation, or anything," he finished, as the bell rang, signaling lunch was over.

This, however, was bad news for me, considering I am extremely claustrophobic. And I get panic attacks, when in tight places; now I have big rush of high schoolers flooding out of the lunchroom, and coming at me.

"Are you alright?" Calum asked, sensing my uneasiness.

"Claustrophobic," was all I had to say, before he took my hand and booked it down the hallway, away from the crowd of teenagers.

He pulled my into a tiny janitors closet (as if that would help my claustrophobia), and whispered, "I'm happy you moved here," after a couple minutes of silence, before taking my hand again, and navigating me through the now empty hall.


*Present Time*

Calum POV

I splashed the cold water on my face, trying to get rid of these memories. They come at the most random times, and when they're over, I'm left even more broken, than before. Nothing seems to work. I've tried watching T.V., listening to music, and messing around on my phone, but I can never stop the memories from coming back.

And the award for the shortest, most lame chapter goes to....

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