Shots Fired

152 10 15


Calum POV

"Just because I feel bad for being rude, does not mean I'm not mad."

"It wasn't even a real argument." Michael rolled his eyes. We were currently rushing around a raunchy part of town. I kept looking behind me, because I felt like we were going to get jumped.

"I know. That's why I'm mad. We had a plan- a mental script, and she didn't go along with it. Have you been on Twitter yet? The whole 5sos Fam thinks I cheated on her. That's her fault. I have a right to be angry." Michael jerked to a sudden stop. I stood next to him, looking at him curiously. He was looking at something ahead of us, so I followed his gaze, catching sight of Ava.

She looked like she was dead. She was lying on the sidewalk, not moving. Sheer panic overtook me, and I raced across the street to her. When I got to her, I saw she was breathing, and I instantly relaxed.

"What happened to you?" I asked, once I saw her bloody hands. Instead of answering, she glared at me. I offered my hand to help her up, but she pushed it out of the way and got up on her own.

She walked straight over to Michael, and hugged him so tight, as if he was the only thing keeping her alive. I don't know if she was trying to make me jealous, but it certainly did work.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, his face buried in the hair on top of her head.

"I am now." Oh, so she replied to him, and not me. I see how it's going to be. I felt my face getting red with frustration.

"I'm glad you're okay, Ave," I spoke, trying to get her to talk to me.

"Really? Because last night, it seemed you couldn't care less about me." She instantly let go of Michael, but she stayed by his side, not coming any closer to me.

"Ava, I'm sorry."

"Okay." What? Was it really going to be that easy?

"Okay?" I clarified, making sure I heard her accurately.

"Yeah. And I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for remembering you. I'm sorry that I agreed to be your girlfriend. I'm sorry for falling in love." Her voice cracked on every other word, and her eyes started to become teary.

"Ava, don't." I felt worse and worse with every sentence that fell from her chapped lips. I deserve it, though. I made her feel even worse.

"I hadn't finished."

"Ava..." I was about to protest, but I knew she wouldn't stop, until I let her finish.

"I'm sorry that my parents didn't want me, or any of my foster parents, or you." The tears were now flowing freely from her sky blue eyes. "And I'm sorry that my parents hate me, and that I hate me." I wanted her to stop talking. I hated hearing her talk this way. "But most of all, Calum, I am so sorry for whatever I did to make you not want me, anymore. I am so, so sorry." Silent sobs escaped her mouth.

I looked at the way Michael had his arm slumped over her shoulders, and the way she leaned into him. Those two never fought. They always tease each other and make each other laugh. Michael would never hurt her, like I did. She deserves someone like that. She deserves someone that's better than me.

"So..." I really didn't want to say these next words. "S-so let's break up then."

"If that's what you wan-"

"It is." I want what is best for her, and that clearly isn't me.

"Fine," she whispered.


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