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Ava POV (finally ugh)

"Why do you even want to get married, then?" I whispered, my voice hoarse from all the yelling I've been doing for the past two hours.

"Why do you?" Jack's voice was low, and to be honest, it really scared me.

"Because, you jerk, I'm in love with you!"

"If you are in love with me, why were you on his Twitter? Am I not good enough for you? Do you want him, instead of me?" He started to raise his voice again.

"You are! You are good enough, Jack." We have been fighting for 2 hours straight, because he "caught" me on Calum's Twitter page.

"Obviously, you think he is better." He is seriously being over dramatic, although I'd never tell him.

"Stop! Just stop! I am so sick of arguing!" I went toward the front door, but was pulled back and forcefully shoved against the wall. I struggled to get out of Jack's tight grip, with his body pushing me harder and harder into the tan wall.

"You aren't leaving, until this argument is over," he firmly spoke. He was so close to me, that I could feel his hot breath fanning my face.

"Jack, let go. You're hurting me." The only thing I could think was: Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. But I felt the tears slip out, anyways.

"Oh, I'm hurting you?" He asked in a stupid voice. I just nodded my head, avoiding eye contact, as I felt his grip get tighter on my wrists, and his body push harder into mine. "You hurt me, Ava. When you were stalking his Twitter. I am your boyfriend, not him. You don't need to keep tabs on him. He doesn't care about you, so why do you care about him?"

"That's not true," I was barely able to get the words out, because my body was so squished, I could hardly breathe. "He loves me." I instantly regretted those words, after they came out of my mouth.

"Well, I don't. I don't love you, so just go chase after whatever his name is." He let go if my wrists, and pushed me towards the door.


"GO, AVA!"

"No, Jack! I love you, okay? I'm sorry. I wont look at his Twitter anymore. I'll delete the app, if you want me to. Don't make me leave, please. I love you so much. I don't want to lose you." I was sobbing uncontrollably, but he just kept pushing me towards the door. He opened it, and with one more forceful push, I was on the front porch. "I don't have anywhere to go."

"That's your problem." And with that, the door was shut, and I was left outside at 2 A.M.

What am I supposed to do now?


Calum POV

"Cool," I simply spoke, wishing I wasn't forced to answer this Facetime call.

"Mate, I just told you we got signed, and all you say is 'cool'?"

"Way cool," I said in the same monotone as before, causing Michael to roll his eyes.

"So we were thinking, that when we get back tomorrow for our break, we should go celebrate," Ashton said, pretending like he didn't realize I was done with this conversation.

"Have fun."

"We meant with you, Calum."

"Okay. Do you want me to pretend like something came up last minute, or do you get the hint?"

"It's been a month, Calum," Luke spoke up.


"Your mum said you haven't left the house."

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