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"Ava, listen. You know I love you to death, but I think you should go back to Australia. Maybe stay with Barbara?" My best friend, Ashlyn, said, while setting a cup of coffee in front of me. I pushed it away, though. I haven't really been in the mood to eat or drink anything, lately. And besides that, I hate coffee.

"I'm so sorry! I just realized I've worn out my welcome." I have been staying here for just about a week now; ever since Jack kicked me out. He's been ignoring my calls, and wont answer my texts. It just kind of hurts to know that he's moved on from me so quickly.

"No! You're fine. It's just that I have a business trip tomorrow, and I... I don't really trust you to be alone with yourself."

"Well, I can't go back to Barbara. She lives in Sydney."


"So he lives in Sydney."

"He's in Europe right now. He's been back on tour for a month. And he isn't flying back to Sydney until his next break, which is in 2 months."

"Wait... how do you know that?" I watched as her eyes grew wide, and her lips pulled together in a slight frown; the look of panic. It took over her facial features, before she regained calmness.

"Because," she paused, looking around the room. "I..." she furrowed her eyebrows. "Follow... him... on Twitter. Yeah. That's- That's what I do. Right." With a small nod of her head, she left me sitting alone at the black kitchen table, confused. I follow him on Twitter, too. He hasn't tweeted anything about his breaks, or where he is going to go, when he's on break.

"Hey, I'm going to work now." Ashlyn gave me a quick hug, before leaving me alone in this huge, empty house. It gets a little creepy around here, when I'm alone, so I usually blast my music.

I walked upstairs, to the guest bedroom, that I have currently claimed, as mine. I grabbed a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and my phone, before walking to the bathroom for a shower. I clicked on my radio app, and listened to the end of an old Katy Perry song play, as I turned on the hot water.

"That was Hot and Cold by Katy Perry!" The girl over the radio sounded too cheery. "Okay, this next song is a new single, from 5 Seconds of Summer. If any of you saw Calum sing it last night, you probably cried as much as I did!" Now, I was very interested. I listened closely, as the steamy water ran down my body. "Now don't worry, if you didn't see or hear about what happened at last night's concert, because I'm going to tell you! During the second chorus, he broke down. He totally started crying, then ran off the stage! I guess the rumors about this song being about his former girlfriend, Ava Smith, are true! Don't worry, Calum! The 5sos Fam misses her, too!" This really pretty guitar started to play... then, I heard his voice.

" I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted
I thought about our last kiss, how it felt, the way you tasted
And even though your friends tell me you're doing fine

Are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you?
When he says those words that hurt you, do you read the ones I wrote you?

Sometimes I start to wonder, was it just a lie?
If what we had was real, how could you be fine?

'Cause I'm not fine at all

I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the make-up running down your face
And the dreams you left behind, you didn't need them
Like every single wish we ever made
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you
And the memories I never can escape

'Cause I'm not fine at all

The pictures that you sent me they're still living in my phone
I'll admit I like to see them, I'll admit I feel alone
And all my friends keep asking why I'm not around

It hurts to know you're happy, yeah, it hurts that you've moved on
It's hard to hear your name when I haven't seen you in so long

It's like we never happened, was it just a lie?
If what we had was real, how could you be fine?

'Cause I'm not fine at all

I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the make-up running down your face
And the dreams you left behind, you didn't need them
Like every single wish we ever made
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you
And the memories I never can escape

If today I woke up with you right beside me
Like all of this was just some twisted dream
I'd hold you closer than I ever did before
And you'd never slip away
And you'd never hear me say

I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the make-up running down your face
And the dreams you left behind, you didn't need them
Like every single wish we ever made
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you
And the memories I never can escape

'Cause I'm not fine at all
No, I'm really not fine at all
Tell me this is just a dream
'Cause I'm really not fine at all."

When the song was over, I was on my knees, crying. I felt like such a jerk. I'm putting him through so much pain, you can hear it in his voice. I need to make things right with him.

Looks like I'm flying to Europe.

I got out of the shower, and dried myself off, before putting my clothes on. I wrapped my hair up in the fluffy white towel, and walked out of the bathroom.

I almost had a heart attack, when I heard the front door open, then close, but I realized Ashlyn probably forgot something.

"Hey, Ashlyn? I'm going to Europe. I know that it's crazy, but I just really need to see him," I said, walking down the stairs. But I stopped dead in my tracks, when I saw who was standing there.

He was definitely not Ashlyn.

He walked over to me and shoved me against a wall. His huge hand muffled my screams, as he put it over my mouth.

"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Which is it going to be?" I felt tears slip from my blue eyes. I was in complete shock. "Now, I'm going to take my hand off your mouth. If you stay quiet, we're doing it the easy way. If you scream, well- just don't scream. Got it?" I nodded my head, and his sweaty hand was away from my chapped lips. He pulled out a roll of duct tape, and placed it over my mouth, before tying my hands behind my back, and putting a black pillowcase over my head. I was in too much shock to even fight back. I was still trying to register what was actually going on. "Don't take it personal, love." That was the last I heard, before everything went black.

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