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Picture in the media section is how I picture Jack


Calum POV

When the song ended, I got out of the car, and calmly walked to Ava's room.

"Oh, hi Barbara," I awkwardly mumbled, as I saw her standing by Ava's bed.

"Calum," she greeted, looking annoyed.

"Wait, you know him?" Ava asked, with a really confused look, that held a trace of fear.

"Calum? Yes, although I wish I didn't."

Gee, thanks.

"Babe, they have apple juice here!" A random guy smiled, as he walked in the room. He was staring intently at Ava, who was smiling back at him.

"Who are you?" I asked, looking more confused than Ava just looked.

"Ava's boyfriend. Who are you?" He's kidding, right?

"I'm Ava's boyf- are you Jack?" I asked, once it finally dawned on me.

"Yes, sir," he smugly replied.

"Yes, Calum. This is Ava's boyfriend," Barbara said, with a knowing smirk.

I knew the only reason she was going with this, is because she doesn't like me. It just made me even more angry about this whole situation. I have no idea why she hates me so much, but this is low... even for her.

Soon I remembered everything Ava had told me about Jack. The things that he has said to her, but mainly the things he has done to her.

"I drove here, as soon as Ava called to tell-" he didn't even have time to finish, before I had fist fulls of his shirt, and I slammed him against the wall. I leaned in real close, so I could speak in a volume that Ava couldn't hear.

"You and I both know you are lying to her, mate. But for her sake, I'm not going to say anything. But you better listen close to what I am about to tell you. If you lay a finger on her, I swear I will beat the-"

"Are you threatening me, mate?"

"That's exactly what I'm doing. Glad we're on the same page." I gave him a fake smile, before letting him go. I turned around to see a horrified look on Ava's face.

"You can't do that!" Ava almost yelled.

"I can't do that, but he can hit y-"

"Calum, that's enough," Barbara interrupted me.

"Whatever," I mumbled. "Excuse me for looking out for me girlf-"

"She's not your girlfriend," Jack glared at me.

"She's not your girlfriend."

"Jack is my boyfriend. I don't even know who you are. How do you know my mom?"

"Because I'm in love with-" I started, but I reminded myself that I need to go along with this. "I'm in love with... puppies. I'm gonna go get one." I let my head hang, as I walked back to the car.

I hated Jack. I hated him, before I even met him. He hurt Ava- physically and emotionally. He was a bad boyfriend, but Ava doesn't remember that. She doesn't remember him hurting her, just like she doesn't remember me loving her.

I knew she wouldn't believe me, if I told her everything. I knew it would just frustrate and confuse her, so I decided to play along, until I came up with a better alternative.

But for now, she isn't my girlfriend, and I am not her boyfriend. Jack is.

After punching the steering wheel a couple of times, causing the horn to go off, I decided to drive back to my hotel.


"How'd it go?" Ashton asked, as I walked through the door.

"Why are you in my room?" I sighed, looking at all the boys, who were sitting on my bed.

"We wanted to see if she remembered you," Michael spoke, but I wished he didn't. I just wish they would leave, because I honestly didn't want to talk about it.

"Uhm," I ran my fingers through my hair, clearing my throat. "It went really well," I lied, with a fake smile.

All the boys cheered, before leaving, but before Ashton walked out, he turned to me, again.

"Don't forget about our plans tomorrow," he reminded me, causing me to groan internally. "You can't miss this, too. You already missed her party. This could be our last chance to get her dad to sign us."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," I sarcastically replied, before shutting the door.


"Calum!" I woke up to Luke pounding on my door. "We have to go!"

"I'm not coming!" I yelled back, quickly thinking of an excuse. "Something came up, with Ava. I gotta get to the hospital."

"Okay, but don't forget we are all going clubbing tonight."

I rolled my eyes, but agreed.

After he finally left I took out my phone, and opened my Twitter app, but I wished I hadn't.

My heart shattered, as I saw millions of pictures and tweets about Ava. But one in particular caught my eye.

@5_S_o_s: why is Ava pretending she doesn't know who 5sos & 5sos fam are???

I quickly went to Ava's Twitter, and saw she had tweeted.

@ava_Smith: thanks for all the follows... but Idk who this band is all you are talking bout... sorry :/

Then it all became so clear. I knew exactly how to get her to remember.

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