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I can't believe I got in a car crash, and completely forgot a year of my life... I mean, everything, except for my foster mom.

That Calum person was really starting to scare me. I have no idea how he knows me, and the way he keeps coming back, and telling me he's my boyfriend, makes me feel weird inside. It was a relief that Barbara knows him, because at least I know he's not a maniac stalker. But last night when he came in, and slammed Jack against the wall, really scared me.

But if I am being 100% honest with myself, I have to admit, that I can't help, but feel something, when he comes around. The butterflies in my stomach go crazy, and my heart thumps so loud, I am positive he can hear it. And everytime he talks, I try memorize the way his words sounded, as they rolled off his tongue in an Australian accent.

It's like my heart knows him, but my mind keeps drawing blanks. I want to believe him about being my boyfriend, but I already have Jack, and I know for sure that I would never ever cheat.

Barbara told me that I was back in America to visit Jack, and on the way to his house from the airport, I crashed. The only part I'm still confused about, besides Calum, is why Jack seemed so surprised when I called him. He asked if I was on drugs. But it's whatever, I guess.

"Ms. Smith?" A nurse asked, walking in my room.


"The doctor said you should be out in about a week," she smiled at me, as relief washed over my body.

"A week? I thought he said it would be close to a month," I said, as my eyebrows knitted together.

"Your body is making a really speedy recovery. Usually people that are in your situation take a month or two to recover in the hospital, then some additional time off of school or work to rest up at home, but you seem to really only need about a week more. You'll need sometime at home, before you continue work or school, but we'll go over that later," she said, walking out.

Then, that got me thinking. Did I even go to school? Did I even have a job?

I looked over and saw my phone sitting on top of the chair by my bed. Maybe that could help me figure some stuff out? It's kind of sad that I have to practically stalk myself, because I have short-term memory loss. I picked it up right as Barbara walked in.

"Hey, did you hear the news," she asked, "about you getting out soon?" I nodded, as my phone finally turned on, but all hope was lost, when I saw there was a password.

"Try 0125," Barbara said, as she sat on a chair.

"That's a random number," I said, typing it in. To my surprise, it actually worked.

"It's Calum's birthday," she stated, nonchalantly, "January 25th."

"Okay, am I the only one that thinks this whole Calum situation is freaky?"

"Yes? What's freaky about it?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Um, everything! I don't even know who he is, and he shows up here, telling me he's my boyfriend, then his birthday is the password to my phone?" I dramatically asked, as I clicked on the Twitter app. It was the only app I had, so maybe that will help me figure stuff out?

"He is not your boyfriend," she strictly said.

"Obviously," I rolled my eyes, then looked back to my phone. "Geez! I have 2 million followers! Guess I'm pretty popular." My smug smile soon faded, as I scrolled through my mentions.

There was so many people, that I had never even heard of, tweeting me pictures of Calum, or asking how my day was, or telling me to get better. I saw one girl's tweet saying:

@3SecondsOfSpring: the 5sos fam& 5sos hope you get better Ava!! We all miss you :'( #GetBetterAva #CalMissesYou #5sosFamMissesYou

"Who is the 5 es oh es fam, and who is 5 es oh es?" I asked, looking at Barbara.

"A crappy band," she shrugged.

I nodded my head, before deciding to compose a tweet, because maybe they had the wrong Ava?

@ava_Smith: thanks for all the follows... but Idk who this band is all you are talking bout... sorry :/

Within seconds there was already 2.5k retweets. It was really strange. It just made me more confused, about what I had done in the past year that I cannot remember.

Getting a little too overwhelmed, I locked the screen, and set my phone down, before shutting my eyes, tight. Until, my phone beeped, and I was curious as to what it was. Thousands of people were tweeting me a retweet from someone, but I had no idea who it was.


What happened next... well, let's just say there was a lot of pictures and videos of me with a bunch of different teenage girls, and a couple boys. People were sending me videos of me singing along to songs, that I didn't even know I knew. People were sending me pictures of me at concert venues, pictures of me with a guy with a lip piercing, pictures of me with a guy with brightly colored hair, pictures of me with a guy with dimples and really long fingers... but what I saw next, completely turned my brain upside down, and my stomach inside out.

A picture of me and Calum kissing. He was holding the camera, and we were both smiling into the kiss. It looked like we were laying on a bed in a bright room, and my hair was in a really messy bun, like I had just woken up.

I should have been staring at the picture in horror, but I couldn't stop the smile that grew on my face. But it faltered, as a question popped into my head.

Did I cheat on Jack?

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