first day at Miami high

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"DJ WAKE THE HELL UP ITS MONDAY WE STARTS SCHOOL TODAY" i yelled before jumping onto DJS bed "milla get off" DJ yelled pushing me off and onto the bed "Oww DJ" i winded while getting up off the ground and dusting my self off. Once I finsish getting ready DJ came back into the room. "milla can i borrow a snapback" DJ asked "NOPE" i said popping the 'p' "whyyyyyyy" DJ whinged while trying to do her best puppy eyes "because you pushed me off the bed and didnt appologize" i said while holding two snapbacks in my hands and walking out of the room. " MILLA, please im sorry okay i really need a snapback" dinah yelled while coming down the stairs after me "nope, sofia come here for a minute" i yelled and waited for my little sister to come into the lounge room "yea milla" sofi said while jumpping into my arms. "you want my snapback" i asked Sofia " yessss, pleasessss" sofia scremed while laughing. " NOOO, I ASKED FIRST, MILLA" dinah staarted to fake cry " awww little DJS upset" i moked DJ while giving her my red snapback that had the word swagg on it in silver.

i gave my blue snapback that had the word 'love' in black to Sofia. my hair was curly and i had on a black,blue and gold dress with black high hills with silver spikes and my back bow, while dianh had her hair in a high pony tail with the snapback i gave her to wair she also had on a jumper that had 'ive got more swagg then you' on it she also had on some black and blue trousers with her black vens. after that insedent it was already ten past seven. dinah and i went to the bus stop to wait on the bus but when we got there there was this girl, she had darker skin then dinah and i, she also had on some high wasted black jeans with a pink and blue jumpper that had 'im bettere then y'all', written in aqua. we had 5 minutes till the bus came. "DJ, do you think that people at this school well treat us the same at our old school" i asked dinah a little scared "i dont know milla, i hope not, just remember what mami and papi said this is a new start, a new as" dinah said while holding me close. " i love DJ" i said while hugging dianh. " i love you too milla". and with that the bus came. dinah and i sat next to each other in the middle seat and then the dark skined girl was sitting right infrount of as. "DJ, im getting scared, what if people start bulling as like at our old school, what if i start again, what if i get played with again" i said while starting to have a panic attake "karla,karla,camilla, calm down, no,no,no please no camilla calm down mach my breathing" i could hear dinah start to panic, shes never that good when it come to me having a panic attake because she would always start to have one too. "omg,is she okay" i heard a vocie i didnt reconize ask "no, please help i cant help her or ill go into a attake myself" i could hear dinah say "okay, hey just mach my breathing and calm down youll be okay i promess" the mistery vocie said. after what felt like an hour but was only 5 minute i calmed down and could see that the vocie came from the dark skined girl "t-t-thanks" i said a little imbarresed i cant belive i just had a panic attake on my first day and on the bus,and in frount of at least 10 people that go to my new school, grate. "hey its okay you dont need to apologize its only a panic attake, my 2 best friend saffers with them too" the dark sinked girl said "thanks, im dinah-jane but most people call me dinah or DJ, thanks for helping,my sister and i are new and were trying to have a new start witch kind of isn't working" dinah strated to remble witch she never does unless she nerves. "hey its no problem by the way im normani but most people call me mani" normani said while smiling "hi im,k-k.... c-camila but most people call me milla" i said while looking down at the dirty bus floor after talking on the bus to my twin and normani we finely made it to school.

dinah and i went the frount office to get our sceldue and lockers and went to our first class science witch we had together.

..................................laurens pov..................................
I was walking to my first class with my 2 best friend Normani and ally. when i walked into the classroom my eyes court this beautiful brown haired girl she was so beautiful she had brown eyes and she was wairing a nice black,blue and gold dress that pushed into all the right places and she also was wairing some pink high hills with a nice black bow on them, she also had a black bow in her curly hair. "lauren,lauren earth to lauren" i heard me best friend normani said while having a smirk on her face " what, let get to our seats and stop giving me that look" i said while walking away and hearing my two best friends laughthing back at the entry of the door. 2 minutes later the teacher "miss liz" walked into the room "hello class we have two new students that have came from cuba can we please welcome them, dinah-jane and karla cabello" miss liz said then the brown goddess spoke "excuse me miss please just call me camila" camila said while looking down at the ground 'oh me gosh shes so cute' i thought to myself "um lauren your thinking out loud" i hared my best friend ally say who was sitting next to me with a hugh grin on her face, "oh shut it allison" i said while giving her my all so famours death glare. ally just put her hands up in the air and started giggerling "is there something you want to share with the class miss hernandez and miss jauregui" miss liz said while look at me and ally "no miss" ally and i said at the same time while giving miss liz a smirk witch she hates "stay after class the both of you this is the thired time this week and its only tuesday" miss liz said while going back to teaching.


hey harmonizers i hope y'all are likeing mi story because i sure do. please give me some ideas on what to put into the next chapter.

feel free to comments feed back or ideas,like or vote love yeas harmonizers.


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