Chapter 8: First Day in a New Dimension

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Purpledolpin05: Hey there fellow readers, it's Anonymousette and purpledolpin05 back with another chapter. Sorry for the delayed update, life has been keeping us busy.

Anonymousette: Work and college REALLY get in the way of fanfiction. But, we were finally able to get this chapter out!

Purpledolpin05: Tania, would you mind doing the disclaimer please?

Tania: Fine by me. Anonymousette and purpledolpin05 do not own Disney Channel or any of the characters, they only own their original characters and stories.


Previously in "The Lost Siblings"

On their first attempt at dimension travelling, Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and Molly ended up in an alternate version of Auradon, where some of the residents look exactly like them. While they were there, they discovered that Tania and Dude had snuck along by climbing inside one of their duffle bags.

After a series of shenanigans, the group settled down in one of the dorms for the night.


After a much needed good nights' sleep, it was morning.

King Oliver Diaz stood outside the guests' bedroom as he knocked on the door.

"Good morning," Oliver greeted the guests with a smile, only to be responded with a very gloomy and outraged Tania.

"We need to talk about that horrible movie!" Tania demanded, catching the young King by surprise.

"Uh what horrible movie?" King Oliver questioned. Oh gods, he hoped that nobody actually snuck some adult rated movies into the guest dorm room.

"She's upset that she wasn't in this movie," Molly Facilier said as she held up a DVD cover of 'Disney Descendants' up for the young King to see.

The young king was puzzled by the young girl's outburst but tried to calm her down. "Well, we didn't know you existed."

"As if that is supposed to make me feel better!" Tania exclaimed dramatically as she threw her hands into the air.

"So after finding out what happened to me and my friends, some big time movie producer called Kenny Ortega wanted to make a movie that is based on my friends and I," Skylar Storm explained to the Dimension Travellers.

The movie is supposed to be based on the Villainous Five's experience of coming to Auradon and eventually became good, some of the plots were changed and rewritten though, but it was a great movie. Their classmate Liv Rooney got a starring role as Mal, and their classmate Luke Ross was also in the movie as one of the stunt doubles for Carlos's character.

"Oh yeah, we saw that movie last year. They also got that one actor that looked like Roman to play as Jay," Bree Vickers nodded, remembering when the school went to the movie screening

"It's breakfast time." Adam Davenport said as he tried to soothe the situation with a big smile.

Molly felt a rumble in her stomach as she commented, "Good. I'm starving!"

"You'll love the food Mrs. Potts makes. She is one of the best cooks here," Sakura piped in.

"We have Mrs. Potts from where we're from too." Mal commented, noticing the similarities.

"Cool!" A new stranger grinned. He was tall with dark skin and black hair, and looked very familiar to Tania.

"Taylor! What are you doing here?!" Tania exclaimed, before hugging the stranger.

The Lost Siblings [Collab Story with @Anonymousnette ]Where stories live. Discover now