Chapter 4: Romance and Revelations

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Purpledolpin05: Hey everyone, this is purpledolpin05 and Anonymousette back with another chapter.

Anonymousette: Brace yourself, because there are going to be a lot of feels in this chapter.

Purpledolpin05: Couldn't agree more, now let's get to the disclaimers then. Molly would you do the honors?

Molly: Sure purpledolpin05 and Anonymousnette do not own Disney or any of its characters, we only own our OCs. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: We do not own Disney or any of its characters, we only own our OCs. Enjoy.



"Hazelnut, where are you? You're supposed to help me chaperone the kids for their museum trip today?" Tracy walked around the penthouse.

Everyone else had their own programs. Right now, her brother Jones had a video assignment and lucky for him he was in the same team as Skylar, Oliver, Kaz, Spark (Kaz's ex), Alan Diaz and Jordan (and some guy name Gus). Bree is out with Owen to help him set up an exhibition for his art showcase. Leo was on a Marvel movie marathon day with Janelle (his girlfriend), Adam and Sakura. Chase was the only person she could talk to, even if he isn't in the best state of his own mind sometimes.

Over the last few months, Bree has also changed a lot. She started going out with guys again, she is studying fashion designing like she wanted to. She became a somewhat party animal and even bleached her hair blonde.

Kaz went out with Jordan after reconnecting with her in college. Skylar is studying to become a social worker. Oliver and Skylar finally became a couple. Kaz has become surprisingly studious and proved to be a smart student in college (his usual lazy demeanor hides his hardworking attitude beneath). Jones spends more time with Skylar, Jordan, Kaz and Oliver lately (because they are all the same age) and they are classmates in college.

"Chase...?" She walked closer to his room, but heard some noises inside and could smell a faint hint of cocaine.

The door suddenly opens, before Chase and some girl Tracy has never seen before walked out. She was about their age or a few years older; she was pretty but wore smoky makeup and was wearing flashy clothes.

"Sorry, I didn't know you had a guest." Tracy yelped, looking away awkwardly.

"Ah, you must be the maid. The room is a bit of a mess so you should get cleaning right away." The girl gave a smug-like smirk.

"The kids aren't awake yet, so I might as well suggest you take your guest out for breakfast." Tracy told Chase in a stern tone.

"You're not his mother or his wife." The girl gave a snarky reply.

"Hey Chase, since you are busy right now. Maybe I should just take the kids out to the museum on my own later?" Tracy was mildly disappointed her friend decided to ditch her and the tweens at the last minute, but she understood that he needs time for himself too.

"Fine. Look Tori, last night was fun. But it's only a one-time deal." Chase told his date. "Besides, I am not interested in 'labels' right now. And I do not appreciate you insulting my friend."

The girl gasped, offended. Before she angrily slapped his face and left.

"And my name is Tonia!" she hissed before she stomped off.

"You sure know how to pick dates." Tracy joked after Tonia left.

"She was hot." Chase smirked, not even bothered that his date slapped him.

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