Chapter 5: The Room Where It Happened

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Purpledolpin05: What's up, readers, Anonymousette and I are back with a new chapter. The last few months have been pretty busy for both of us with college and life, right?

Anonymousette: Definitely. I can't wait for finals to end. This chapter mostly takes place in Auradon, but don't worry, Otherworld will come in near the end.

Disclaimer: We do not own Disney or any of its characters, we only own our Original Characters and the plot of the story, enjoy.


[Molly's POV]

The first thing I felt underneath me was soft, like a cloud. For a moment, I thought I had died in my sleep and gone to Heaven. I wouldn't see Auradon, but... Suddenly, my eyes shot open as I remembered everything that had happened. I wasn't in Heaven, I was in Auradon. I had done it. I had made it to Auradon and warned Ben about what my dad and the Coachman were planning, and afterwards, Freddie took me to her dorm to take a nap.

"Well, looks like somebody's finally awake," my sister said as she walked over to me.

I looked around the room. "How long was I asleep?"

"About two hours," Freddie answered bluntly.

I shot up into a sitting position. "Two hours?!"

Freddie held up her hands. "Chillax, you needed your rest after being up all night. Besides, you may have slept through dinner, but you didn't miss the meeting. Speaking of that, it starts in an hour, so we don't have a lot of time to get ready. You can borrow my graduation dress. It's not much, but..."

I held up my hand before she could continue any further. "I really appreciate the effort, but I'd rather just wear what I have on now. Otherwise, they might think I'm joking."

Freddie nodded. "I can see the reasoning behind that."

"But maybe you can help me with my hair?" I asked. "I'm sure it looks like a rat's nest."

Freddie giggled. "Sure, Molls." She led me to the vanity where she started to undo my braid and picked up a hair brush.

There was silence between us before I spoke. "So, that's what a bed feels like."

Freddie nodded. "Much better than the beds they had back on the Isle."

I rolled my eyes slightly. "I never had a bed, remember?"

"Well, you probably would've liked that bed better if you tried my lumpy mattress at home," Freddie said. I couldn't help but laugh. Just talking like this reminded me of old times, even if those times were on the Isle.

Once I was ready, Freddie threw a bright red ball to me, barely giving me any time to catch it. "I picked you up something at the cafeteria." The closer I looked at the ball, I realized that it was actually an apple, but it was not bruised or rotten. I attentively took a bite, surprised at the sweetness and crunchiness before quickly eating more. "Whoa, slow down there, sis. Let's get going."

I started to eat more slowly as we walked down the hall, making sure I didn't choke on my apple. "So, what are these council meetings like anyways?"

Freddie shrugged. "You'd have to ask Mal about that. She's the one who goes to the council meetings." I sighed. I hoped the crowd wasn't too bad with me. Otherwise, they wouldn't believe me, and I'd be sent back to the Isle, and right back to square one.


Once Freddie and I arrived at Beast Castle, we made our way to the meeting. The room was large, with a huge U-shaped table with all of the kings and queens of Auradon sitting around it. I subtly rubbed my hands against my pants, suddenly aware of how sweaty they were. In front of the U-shaped tables was a long, rectangular table, which Ben, his parents, Fairy Godmother, and the Core Four were sitting at. I was briefly confused to why Evie, Jay, and Carlos were there, but then I remembered that ever since one of their own (Audrey, I think her name was) invaded Auradon, they had been more involved when it came to the issue of security. Freddie and I sat down at the long table as Ben stood up.

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