Chapter 3: Escapism

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Purpledolpin05: Hello fellow readers, this is Purpledolpin05 and Anonymousette back with a new chapter for The Lost Siblings.

Anonymousnette: Brace yourselves, because A LOT is going to happen in this chapter, and I mean A LOT

Purpledolpin05: without further ado, Molly would you mind doing the disclaimers?I

Molly: Sure. Anonymousnette and purpledolpin05 do not own anything except their OCs.

Yzla: now let's get on with the story then.


[Third Person POV]

Molly was standing in a wooded area, surrounded by a bunch of kids that were mostly her age. She couldn't recall anywhere on the Isle that was like this, especially not as lush and green as this place. Wait... was she in Auradon? However, her thoughts were soon interrupted when one of the kids spoke.

"Alright, let's go over the game plan," a boy with brown hair said. "You guys take as many out as you can, or round them up while I use my bionics."

" I thought I was supposed to shapeshift into a tree, then shoot whoever comes within range, " an African-American girl with frizzy hair protested. Apparently, they were about to play a giant game of paint ball war. "Not everything's about you, Spin!"

"Um, did we even come up with a plan in the first place? "a young Japanese girl said. Her black hair was cut into a bob, and she had a birthmark underneath one of her eyes.

"I don't think we did," a boy that had light brown hair and brown eyes said. In fact, he kind of looked like the other boy. "We just got here."

"What do you think, captain?" another African-American girl with curly hair. Molly recognized her from the news as Tania, Tiana and Naveen's daughter.

Molly thought for a moment. "I say, divide and conquer."

"Aye aye, captain!" a boy with blonde hair said, saluting. The other two kids, a boy and a girl, were rubbing their hands while the older brunette, Spin, rolled his eyes.

"Sounds good to me," the older African American, Jamie said.

"It's too bad Janoy couldn't join us," the younger brunette, Doy, whined a bit. He seems to be fond of this 'Janoy' girl. Also, what sort of name is 'Janoy'?

"She's too young to play," the Japanese girl, Jenny, explained as Doy stopped pouting.

"Alright, your five minutes of strategizing are up," a loud voice said. After Molly shook hands with the other captain, each team was allowed five minutes to come up with a strategy and space out. "Let the games begin!"

"Oh, and by the way Molly,"Spin said. "If you hit my brother or Tracy, I'll go after your sister."

Molly figured he meant Freddie. She couldn't quite recall which teens were playing at the moment. "Well, if you hit my sister, I'll hit your brother and Tracy. Now, let's go."


We got all the ways to be
We got all the ways to be
C'mon hey hey hey hey hey
Hey hey hey hey (haha)
Hey hey hey hey hey

The team split up in different directions, each tween with a younger kid. Chole and Molly eventually were in the hot pursuit of a boy with black and white hair.

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