Chapter 6: Of Snacks, Dreams and Plots

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Purpledolpin05: Hello fellow readers, it's purpledolpin05 and Anonymousette back with a new chapter. We've been pretty busy for the last few months since the previous update.

Anonymousette: With everything being converted to online classes, it's been extremely hectic. Hopefully, this chapter will bring a little much needed joy into our lives.

Purpledolpin05: On the plus side, it's been a whole year since this story has been published. So happy anniversary. Now onwards with the story. Molly, care to do the disclaimers?

Molly: sure thing. Anonymousette and purpledolpin05 do not own Disney or any of their characters, they only own their Original Characters and the story. Enjoy

Trigger Warning: This chapter contains a few scenes about mentions of child abuse. So proceed with caution.


Molly's POV

I was sleeping soundly in my sister's dorm when I suddenly awakened by shaking. I looked up, only to see my sister's face. "Celia, what are you doing? It's the middle of the night."

"Well, I'm feeling a little peckish, so I'm going to grab a midnight snack," Celia replied. "You in?"

I looked back at the clock; it was two o'clock in the morning. "I'm going to go back to bed. I'm tired."

Celia shrugged. "Suit yourself." Then, she walked out of the room.

I tried closing my eyes, but I couldn't fall asleep. I tried shifting my position. I tried counting bats. I even tried staring at the ceiling; however, nothing worked. Finally, I gave up and decided to go look for Celia. I had already walked through the hallways of Auradon Prep on my way to Celia's dorm, but the hallways looked so different at night. They kind of reminded me of the dark alleyways back on the Isle, except for the moonlight shining through the windows, but that also brought a chilling feeling into the halls.

I quickly ran through the halls in search of Celia. I was so creeped out that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. The next thing I know, I ran into someone, toppling onto the floor.

"Get off me!" the person underneath me shouted.

I instantly recognized the person's voice. "Celia?"

As soon as we were untangled from each other, Celia looked at me. "Molly?" Then, she smirked. "Looks like you decided to come after all."

I shrugged. "Couldn't get back to sleep."

"Well, follow me then," Celia said.

As we walked, I started to ask her questions. "So, how do you like it here?"

"It's pretty good," Celia answered. "The classes are nice, except for Remedial Goodness. That one's kind of boring."

I raised an eyebrow. "Remedial Goodness class?"

Celia nodded. "Yeah, apparently it's to teach VKs how to be good. Luckily, I passed and won't have to take it again."

"But what if you never wanted to be evil in the first place?" I asked.

Celia shrugged. "It's mandatory. You have to take it anyway. Even Dizzy had to take it." Sheesh, even after everything Mal and her gang have done, people still don't trust us. Then again, thinking back to some VKs, such as Zevon, I could guess why.

Celia led me into the kitchen, where Freddie was already rummaging through the fridge.

"Hey Freddie," I said. "What are you doing here?"

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