Chapter 7: A Whole New World

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Purpledolpin05: What's up fellow readers, we are back for another chapter update

Anonymousette: This is the moment you've all been waiting for... the moment where they cross the threshold! So, who wants to do the disclaimer?

Jones: Jay, I see your hand raising up

Jay: No I am no- (cues Jones stepping on his foot) OW! Ok fine. Anonymousette and Purpledolpin05 do not own any of the Disney characters or the shows and movies, they only own their Original Characters and the story. Enjoy. Now if you'll excuse me I need a bag of ice.


Previously on "The Lost Siblings",

After overhearing her father talking to The Coachman and a new villain (Victor Krane) about their new plan to overthrow Auradon, Molly Faciliar manages to escape from the Isle of the Lost with the assistance of the Anti-Heroes Club.

Upon reaching Auradon, Molly revealed to King Ben and his fiance Mal as well as the royal members, Fairy Godmother and the Core Four members about the villains' new plot as well as news about the two missing young princes of Auradon being still alive in another dimension.

Now, Auradon is planning its defenses and war strategies against the Isle's war plans as well as enlisting Mal and her friends/companions to journey and find the missing princes, before the Coachman does.


Present moment

The announcement of Mal and her friends departing to the Otherworld was kept on a low profile to avoid the media and others from knowing about the news of the Missing Princes still being alive.

After the events of the Cotillion, King Ben and Fairy Godmother had kept a strict leash on the media press of constantly stalking Mal to avoid another outburst. And to be honest, it was extremely rude and scary to be stalked by the press members 24/7. Which was why there was a private send off near the Enchanted Lake with just Belle, Beast, Fairy Godmother, and Molly's sisters.

"You have the book with you, right?" Fairy Godmother asked.

Molly nodded as she adjusted the backpack straps. "Yep, it's right in here." Mal and Molly had looked over the book while Mal was learning how to dimension travel, but they decided that it would be a good idea for them to take it along with them, just in case.

"As well as plenty of snacks and water," Mal added.

Freddie walked up to Mal and the group. "Just make sure to take care of my baby sister, okay?"

"Don't worry, we'll take good care of her," Evie reassured.

However, Molly frowned. "Freddie, I'm not a baby anymore."

"Don't remind me," Freddie said. "It seems like yesterday I was changing your diapers." Facilier never cared for his youngest daughter, so Freddie basically raised her.

"Freddie!" Molly said, clearly embarrassed.

Celia walked up and hugged Molly. "Just be careful, okay?"

Molly hugged Celia back. "Don't worry, I will."

Meanwhile, Mal looked at Ben. "Don't worry Ben. We will find your brothers."

Ben nodded. "I know you will."

"Well, guess we should get going now," Carlos said. "Remind me of how we're going to be communicating again."

The Lost Siblings [Collab Story with @Anonymousnette ]Where stories live. Discover now