Chapter 9: Mischiefs and Discussions

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Purpledolpin05: It took a long while, but 'The Lost Siblings' is back and so are we.

Anonymousnette: So, who wants to do the disclaimer?

Bob: Ooh me! Anonymousette and purpledolpin05 do not own Disney Descendants or the other shows or DCOMs by Disney. They only own their Original Characters. Enjoy!


Previously in "The Lost Siblings"

Our fellow heroes from Auradon attempted to travel across dimensions, only to end up in an alternate version of the Auradon they knew.

Some friendships were made, and some new ones blossomed.

What will happen to our Dimension Travelers next as they try to solve the key to dimension traveling?


After much persuasion and explanation, Jones Li (and everyone else) got the full story of the whole viral couple misunderstanding.

That however, didn't stop Jones from leaving soon after to attempt pranks on Princess Aspen Summers with some of the younger kids... In his defense, Aspen was just as annoying as the rest of her family members (plus she is his sister's love rival).

Tracy Li decided to stay back and show the Dimension Travelers some of her findings.

"The first method of travel is through teleportation, which seems to be how you guys got here in the first place." Tracy drew out a chart, before glancing at Molly, "I believe that is how you came to Auradon on your own, right Molly?"

"Which Auradon?" Molly Faciliar asked, scrunching up her face a bit.

"Your original Auradon." Tracy clarified as Molly nodded. "I guess that maybe you were hoping to find the Missing Princes in another dimension and yet you guys came here. I have a theory that maybe subconsciously you guys traveled to this version of Auradon because maybe some of the clues can be found here."

"How so?" Mal asked.

"Everything happens for a reason," Skylar shrugged. "Maybe that's why you guys are here."

"Maybe..." Evie said, deep in thought.

"See? That's why we have to stay here!" Tania exclaimed in glee.

Molly glanced at Tania. "Tania..." That girl just does not want to leave, Molly thought to herself.

Mal pulled out a picture of Ben from her phone and decided to ask about the whereabouts of Ben's missing brothers, "Have you actually seen anyone who looks like my boyfriend?"

"No, sorry." Everyone glanced at the picture before shaking their heads in response. Most of the alternate Auradon citizens only vaguely remember some Australian actor who was casted to play their version of King Oliver (or better known as "Prince Ben") in the parody movie.

Mal sighed. "Darn it, I was really hoping I could find some clues to where Ben's little brothers could be."

"I'm sure that you'll find what you are looking for soon." Tracy tries to comfort Mal, before changing the subject. There seems something familiar about Mal's boyfriend, but Tracy couldn't put a finger on it.

Tracy Li went on to tell the Dimension Travelers about records of two twin princesses (now queens) once traveling to their home dimension through their car.

The Lost Siblings [Collab Story with @Anonymousnette ]Where stories live. Discover now