Chapter Twelve

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'What do you mean?' Jim asks. Niamh hands him her phone which shows a picture sent to her of her walking up the driveway to the group home. Underneath is a message that reads:

We always find a way sweet cheeks

'How do you know it's them?' Jim asks her.

'It's the nickname they'd call me when-' She exhales shaking. 'I - how did they find out I live here? Have they been following me?' Charlie then walks out of the house.

'What's going on?' He asks them. Niamh explains what has happened. 'Okay, well,' He sighs, 'you obviously can't stay here tonight. You'll have to come with me to the office until we can sort something out.'

'Why doesn't she just stay with me and Luca?' Jim suggests.

'Jim-' Charlie starts to say.

'I know it's against protocol but what better place than with two cops? And it's only until the restraining order is in place, right?' Jim cuts him off and says.

'Yeah.' Charlie nods. He pinches the bridge of his nose. 'You have a room?' He drops his hand.

'Yeah.' Jim nods. 'Luca and myself have already started working on it.'

'I'll have to come and check it out and make sure it's safe.' Charlie informs him. He looks at Niamh. 'Go and pack a bag, I'll let the carers know what's going on.' Niamh nods and walks back into the home.

'She'll be safe with me.' Jim assures Charlie.

'I know.' Charlie nods. 'I'm not worried about that.' He sighs. 'Niamh hasn't been taking her PTSD meds.'

'I thought she had to take them in front of the care workers?' Jim says confused.

'She's been refusing.' Charlie shrugs. 'She competent enough to make her own decisions so we can't force her.' He adds. 'I just want you to be careful. The tiniest thing could cause her to have a psychotic break. I want you to keep any sharps away from her too. She has a history of self-harm but if she does have a psychotic break and sharps are close by-'

'I'll lock them away.' Jim nods. Niamh then returns with an overnight bag on her shoulder.

'Why don't you go with Jim and I'll follow?' Charlie tells Niamh.

'Sure.' Niamh nods.

'Great.' Charlie smiles. 'I'll go and update the care worker that's on tonight and we'll be on our way.'


A couple of hours later, Niamh is settled into her room at Jim and Luca's house. Since they've only just started working on the room, it only has the basics of a shelf, chest of drawers, closet, bed and bedside table. Charlie has cleared the home and deemed it safe and filled out the paperwork needed with Jim and Luca. Jim is leaning against the doorframe and Niamh is sat on the bed.

'I know it's bare, but we can decorate however you like.' Jim says and Niamh smiles slightly. 'You're safe here. We won't let anything happen to you.'

'I know.' Niamh nods. 'It's just- Daniel at the gym? Then both of them at the school? Then the text? What if they're planning something? I can't go through that again.' Jim walks into the room and sits next to her on the bed. 'I know Charlie told you I haven't been taking my meds but I promise you, this is all legit. I'm not imaging this or-'

'I know.' Jim cuts her off. 'I believe you.' He adds. 'We'll get to the bottom of it.' He looks at the time. 'It's getting late, you should sleep and you have school in the morning.' He stands up. 'Charlie has said he'll take you to school and pick you up.'

'Okay.' Niamh nods. 'Erm- does Dom know why I'm staying here?'

'He just knows that you need somewhere safe and quiet.' Jim replies. 'That's what Charlie told him anyway.' There are a few minutes of silence. 'Good night.'

'Night.' Niamh smiles slightly. Jim leaves the bedroom leaving Niamh alone.


So this was only a filler chapter, hence why it's so short, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless!

Much love

Much love

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