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Sergeant Daniel Harrellson is standing in front of his team consisting of David "Deacon" Kay, Christina "Chris" Alonso, Dominique Luca, Jim Street and Victor Tan. For the past week, they have been investigating a string of home invasions and have just got more information on their suspect, William Meyers. 

'As you know, there isn't much background on our suspect, William Meyers,' Hondo starts, 'however, I've just got word from a CI.' He adds. 'Meyers used to be a resident at Sunny Bridge Group Home a couple of months ago. The home is predominately for young people who are ageing or are starting to age out of the system, so 16 and over. There are ten young people - and three members of staff. He pulls up thirteen pictures on the board. Youngest is Niamh Corrigan, 16.' He enlarges Niamh's photo. 'According to CPS, they had a close friendship. We're going to go to the home and speak to each resident but I want us to focus on Niamh. I've already called ahead so they know to expect us. Let's go.' 


Half an hour later, the D-team are pulling up in front of the group home. The three care workers, Joe Hayes, Lisa Martin and Lewis Carter, are waiting outside for them. They get out of their cars and walk up to them. 

'Hi.' Joe nods. 'I'm Joe Hayes. I'm the head care worker. These are my co-workers Lisa Martin and Lewis Carter.'

'I'm Sergeant Harrellson.' Hondo introduces himself. 'This is my team.' He then introduces the rest of the D-team as they all shake hands. 

'Let's go talk in the office before I speak to you with the young people.' Joe tells them. They all nod, follow the workers into the home and then into the office. 'So I understand you want to speak about one of our former residents? Willaim Meyers?'

'Yes.' Hondo nods. 'I understand he developed a close bond with another young person here, Niamh Corrigan?'

'Niamh came to us after a tough foster placement.' Lisa says. 'William helped her through the aftermath.' 

'What happened?' Deacon queries. 

'It's not my place to say.' Joe shakes his head. 'If you want to ask her yourself, that's fine by me but she may shut you down. She doesn't like to talk about it.' 

'We've gathered all of the young people in the living room.' Lewis says. 'Apart from Niamh. She's out in the backyard.' 

'We can speak to her there.' Hondo states. 'If that's okay?' 

'Of course.' Joe nods. 'Lisa will take you out to her.' 

'Street, we'll talk to Niamh. The rest of us will speak to everyone else.' Hondo tells the team. Lisa leads Hondo and Street out to the backyard. They see that she's sat on the bench swing with her guitar trying to figure out cords to a song she's writing, noting the cords that work and scribbling out the cords that don't.

'Niamh?' Lisa states causing the young girl to look up at them. 'This is Sergeant Harrellson, this is Officer Street. They're with L.A.P.D S.W.A.T. They want to speak to you about William.' 

'Okay.' Niamh says slowly as she places her guitar down and stands up.

'When was the last time you spoke to him?' Hondo questions.

'A couple of days ago. He called to check on me.' Niamh replies.

'What was the nature of your relationship?' Hondo asks. 

'We've been close since I moved here about a year and a half ago. He helped me when I was going through something and that's how our friendship started.' Niamh responds. 'We weren't dating if that's what you're trying to ask me.'

'We're just covering all of the bases.' Street tells her. 'Did William ever mention anything about wanting to hurt someone or commit a crime?'

'What's going on?' Niamh queries as she folds her arms. 'Why are you asking me questions about William?' Hondo and Street look at each other. This is when she realises that she's being asked these questions to build a case. 'What is it that you think William has done?' 

'Home invasions.' Hondo informs her. 

'No.' Niamh shakes her head. 'No. William wouldn't do that. He's not like that.' 

'He's been arrested for theft before.' Street states.

'He stole a can of soda and a candy bar.' Niamh scoffs. 'He paid the owner - yes, after he was caught but he righted his wrong. Home invasion is a massive step up from shoplifting.' 

'What can you tell us about William?' Hondo queries.

'He was like a brother to me.' Niamh responds. 'He helped me with my homework, he was there for me when I needed him, he taught me how to play a few instruments. He's like the big brother I never had.' Hondo and Street stare at her. 'I get it.' She laughs. 'You were expecting me to tell you something like, "he was vile to everyone but me" or "he wasn't exactly a golden boy".' She says. 'Well, that's not going to happen. William is nice and he's caring. He wouldn't hurt a soul.' There are a couple of seconds of silence. 

'What happened during your last foster placement?' Hondo asks her. Niamh tries to fight back the tears prickling in her eyes. 

'I don't see how that's relevant to William.' Niamh replies quietly. 'If you'll excuse me, I have to get back to writing this song.' She picks her guitar up, sits back down and continues with what she was doing as Lisa leads Hondo and Street back into the house.

'Something's not right.' Street whispers to Hondo.

'Definitely.' Hondo nods in agreement. 'We'll look into it once we get back to the station.' 


Just a little bit of an introductory chapter. Is this still something you want to read? 

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Much love 

Much love 

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